Scoutaz, you are one of the stalwarts here, and one of the guys I always read, and everything you say is true, except the part about the cartel being alive and well. I respect you and I understand the disbelief that this time it's different, but they have a problem, and that problem is delivery of physical at the comex and the LBMA. My friends and contacts in Europe tell me in the last month many many of the Private Europeans they know, that have bullion stored there have taken it off , and or are awaiting deliverey. I don't think they have it. I think you will see in the next 2-3 months first the LBMA , and then the Comex do a defacto default by changing the physical delivery rules, first by suspending physical delivery and substituting it with some bogus reason for a moratorium on delivery and then later a wholesale change in the rules,which at the time will be made to sound plausable because it will come from the bank of England and the Fed and it will be very "governmental" and technical and professional sounding but it will be a specious lie which people with money will see through. Then the real panic and fear part starts, and then the food commodities inflation (taking place now-see Dan Norcinis missive today at jsminesite) hits the grocery shelves . We are not far away. I agree this may not happen as fast as some think, and THEY are alive, but I do not believe THEY are well. Live well and Prosper Scoutaz.