Try as I might, I cannot make this scenario make any sense whatsoever.
At the postulated time in the future when the price of paper gold is $200 or $20 or $2, take your pick, it will be worth the very same as it is now. Which is nothing. Zero. Nada. It will be worth this because it is exactly what people will recognize it to be - paper. No different from the present CDOs or other bankster fabrications which they have foisted on a gullible and ignorant public.
What on earth has this to do with REAL gold??! The price of real gold will not ever fall until such time as the counterbalancing paper actually represents something of real worth - and that time is a very long way off.
The only reason the banksters and their ilk have been able to manipulate the prices of gold and especially silver to the extent that they have thus far is that John Q. Public is an exceedlingly slow learner and only now is he beginning to perceive that paper gold and real gold are two entirely different things. When that perception has come to fruition the price of real gold will be far higher than it is now and the price of paper gold will be whatever the con artists can fleece the sheeple into believing it is. It obviously will not be very high because by that time even the most dimwitted among us will have seen the scam for what it is.