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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Just a thought

I am glad you brought this up Scruffy. I am also glad bujui and scoutaz has brought light to this. I was going to write yesterday on this subject but got busy. I am glad I did now because your facts prove even more important to what I believe might be happening.

We all have seen what the central banks and Fed can do. You have computers that are totally manipulating the market and making a handsome profit to. How is this possible? They can't move out most of the people in foreclosure so that is got to be on the books yet these banksters are making money hand over foot. So if they have already decided together that we need G&S to make the books look good and make up the shorts than what will stop them to undermine the whole industry. They could do this in days if not a single day. The BRIC nations have wrote the western world off and are now competing to gather as much physical possible to make a global currency. You think that we the people are going to have a choice? This is a global domination struggle and until Bernanke pulls the trigger again to try and make are assets untangible they have to be in position to take over as many jpm's as possible. It makes sense. And for all these poor people who are storing wealth in reserves[ which isn't all in Fort Knox] the wall street people have it well guarded and I doubt they have any intentions on giving it up. Anyone of the mining sector could be taken over in moments putting people in mass hysteria.

We actually have secret armies bought by our governments to do the dirty work needed done if this happens. All the guns in America could not stop these crooks. I don't even have a name for it. You could say socialism, communism, nazism, the list goes on. But I can't get it out of my mind that they can raise millions of dollars just to get one congressman in power. We have no transparency. We kill people worldwide for the sake of stealing precious resources, and they keep it all blanketed with news channels like Fox news as well the whole media.

Bujui, you said it correct you got physical I would say that may be your only alternative to staying alive. I don't like trying to instill fear in people. But the facts speak for themselves. How is it these banks make so much money and can't even give out a loan to the comman person. The biggest fact of all is that it is already being said the central banks are buying G&S in 2011. How can they buy something without having total control of it? I know I'm not selling mine. And I have no trust whatsoever in jpm's anymore. Total manipulation.

One other thought on my mind before the fireworks come out. What happened to the J.P. Morgan commodity team? They have a new name now? And who is this Penson Company? Are they affiliated with any banks? Everyone here has brought up good points but we have to keep getting out all the information we can to anyone who is still looking for real answers. I hope I am wrong but I am not in anyway fearful. I just can't help but feel bad for all the people who will be thrown under the tanks when they come rolling in. The stage is set, the lights are dim, and the curtain is about to be raised. The show has just begun.

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