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Message: A Few Other Cartels

Control appears to be the name of the game.

Regards - VHF


7 Mega-Cartels That Kill the Free Market and Our Sovereignty

Activist Post

October 22, 2010

Think we have a free market? Think again. Think it was free market capitalism that collapsed the financial system? Think again.

What America has, and what we've had for a long time, is Cartelism. It is becoming increasingly evident that every industry has been infected by "Too-Big-to-Fail" consolidation that has resulted in a near-picture-perfect oligarchy -- a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small segment of society distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, or military control (Wiki).It's only natural that a hierarchical system would result in exponential attraction of power to the few at the top. The pyramid structure we find in all institutions rewards the thirst for more power at every level. In our system, it was simply a matter of time before several of these pyramids that share a common interest combined forces to drive the direction of their industry to only benefit the newly formed mega-pyramid cartel. Thus, these cartels can then systematically eliminate their free-market competition through government regulation and other well-calculated economic maneuvers.

Each major industry in America, and globally, is predominantly run by a handful of companies who are aided by the corporate-government revolving door. They work in unison to effectively control the direction of their respective industries, the economy as a whole, geopolitics, society, and humanity. Consequently, there is no longer a free market for basic human necessities, or even human thought.

Here are descriptions of 7 mega-cartels that killed the free market and effectively run America's oligarchy beginning at the top of the pyramid and cascading down:

Banking: The Federal Reserve and their consortium of the "Too-Big-to-Fail" mega-banks make up the Wall Street cartel at the apex of all other pyramids. The entire world economy is at the mercy of money creators, managers, and manipulators; using debt they control every nation, industry and person. This cartel, which primarily includes Goldman Sachs, BoA-Merrill, JP Morgan-Chase, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, and CitiBank, has been fully exposed to the public since the 2008 financial collapse where under the guise of crisis the final consolidation occurred. The top four banks, in 2009, controlled 40% of all FDIC insured deposits, have made record profits, and continue to pay record bonuses since the 2008-2009 bailouts. The public was told they needed the TARP bailout because they were too big to fail and so they can restart lending again. The only notable thing the TARP money was used for was further consolidation. It is clear that this most-powerful cartel now has full ownership of the government -- SEC and Congress.

All of these institutions were originally founded by European bankers yet their connections now expand to nearly every central bank and the IMF and World Bank. Together they form a much-too-big-to-fail global cartel who are in complete control of the world's finances and economy and all industry players are subservient to their command.

Intelligence: The intelligence cartel -- the brain and coordinator of the military-industrial complex -- has always worked to expand and enforce America's corporate interests at home and abroad. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to label them the enforcement cartel. On the homeland, the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS with their corporate partners are now openly monitoring groups such as peace activists to protect the big military industry, anti-gas drilling protesters to protect big energy, End-the-Fed activists, and organic food producers to protect the big agribusiness -- and anyone else who poses a threat to all of the respective cartels. It seems that if your principles or actions threaten the profits or the control grid, the full force of the intelligence cartel will be used on you. This goes for foreign nations as well.

The CIA has become infamous for staging coups on governments who don't adhere to the will of American-based multinational cartels; every attempted coup now has their fingerprints on it. It has been proven that the CIA is also involved with illegal drug trafficking, torture, and other mafia-style business activities. This intelligence cartel is the glue that keeps the matrix together, or what some refer to as the unelected, unaccountable Shadow Government. After all, they can't allow nations or sovereign people to develop solidarity against the system without squashing it.

Military: The business of war is booming. It makes sense that this industry would be run by a closely knit group directed by the Pentagon due to the sensitivity of their products. Nonetheless, the military-industrial complex is run by a cartel that takes in four times the amount of money we spend on domestic issues. In other words, our society seems okay with spending far more to kill people than to help its citizens. Although this industry covers a wide range of fields other than bullets and missiles, such as chemicals, nuclear, aircraft, etc., the top companies that essentially control this racket are the usual names: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and BAE Systems in the UK. Although some of them may appear to be in direct competition, they all make remarkably similar income.

Additionally, the massive amount of government research into the military-industrial complex (also at the taxpayer's expense) has gone on for centuries now and has resulted in this cartel controlling or having a hand in many other industries -- most notably, Big Energy, Big Pharma, and Big Chemical which is also Big Agribusiness. Stated goals for the use of the military-industrial complex have been reported to be full spectrum dominance over human civilization and the eco-system.

Energy: Oil, gas and coal have been the most valuable resources in society for the last 100 years, and there has never been a free market for energy in America, or the world. U.S. Big Oil and Gas has long been run by a cartel, while OPEC is openly called a cartel. Again, there has only ever been a few major oil companies who effectively control the entire industry. These oil companies were originally funded by the European banking cartels, leaving some of the biggest names in America remaining Royal Dutch/Shell and British Petroleum. Since the time of Rockefeller's early-American near-monopoly Standard Oil, the modern-day fossil fuel industry is still ultra-consolidated with Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, and the second-largest privately-owned U.S. company Koch Industries overwhelmingly controlling the U.S. market. It was Rockefeller himself who coined the term "competition is a sin." Although these companies appear minor compared to the world's largest producing oil companies, the same European banking/oil powers dictate to the largest company, "state-owned" Saudi Arabian Oil Co that was originally founded by British Petroleum. The only large companies that appear to be rogues despite their involvement in the Anglo-run OPEC, are the National Iranian Oil Co and Petroleos de Venezuela, which the establishment has conveniently made the enemies of the West.

It is important to note that these monopolies, along with their bankster beneficiaries, were the founding force behind the electric grid as well. Additionally, because petroleum is a natural resource for many other industries such as plastics and agri-chemicals, they effectively have a strong hand in those sectors. Furthermore, massive engineering companies like Halliburton, Bechtel, and General Electric are all off-shoot pyramids of the oil/energy cartel as well. Indeed all industrial activity needs their energy and byproducts, therefore all industrial production is dependent (if not subservient) to Big Oil and Gas.

Food: The food leaders came to realize that there are three basic building blocks from which all food products stem from: corn, wheat, and soy. Those who gain control of these natural resources will sit atop the food industry pyramid. The poster child for the food cartel, GMO-chemical giant Monsanto, has control of 90% of the U.S. soybean crop and 80% of the corn crop, while most of the cotton crop is also grown with seeds containing Monsanto's technology. They have three times the sales of seeds as their nearest competitor, Dupont. It also has been reported that they have systematically bought up the majority of heirloom seed companies, and are rumored to be systematically eliminating heirlooms in favor of their patented GMOs or hybrids. Furthermore, nearly all other industrial crops depend on agri-chemicals sold by Monsanto or Dupont, as well as some dairy farms.

There are also major livestock and poultry monopolies that depend on the corn and soy for feed. Cargill, the largest privately-owned company in America, is also a major player in the cartel. The company that represents the gatekeeper for food processing companies is Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) where cereal grains and oilseeds are processed into products used in food, beverage, nutraceutical, industrial and animal feed markets worldwide. This cartel now fully controls the FDA and USDA and operates a global food empire.

Medicine: The Big Pharma cartel is a Euro-American conglomerate, including big names like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and others. As Americans continue to eat GMO and other disease-causing foods, the pharmaceutical companies conveniently develop remedies for the most minor ailments. Big Pharma works with establishment psychiatrists that seem to create false demand by inventing new mental disorders every week -- where more than 25% of children in the U.S., nearly 30% of adolescents, and over 50% of adults now take prescription drugs. In addition to those numbers, roughly 50% of the public takes the seasonal flu vaccinations, while 76% of children still get all of their establishment-recommended immunizations. They effectively co-own the FDA (with big chemical-agribusinesses), who are increasingly trying to regulate natural remedies out of the market place. Driven by profit, they admittedly guide the World Health Organization and CDC to fear-monger epidemics and pandemics to push their vaccines and other remedies. Given that every other commercial on television is a drug ad, they have major influence over what constitutes "health news" in the mainstream.

Media: America's Ministry of Truth cartel is primarily made up of only 5 mega-media companies; General Electric, CBS/Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, and Walt Disney, who control nearly every single channel on the TV and radio dials, in addition to most leading newspapers, magazines, and movies. They are tasked with selling and protecting the cartels' agendas by creating and controlling the public's reality matrix, making it difficult to find outlets to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming. Their news departments are driven by corporate-government propaganda news agencies like Reuters and the Associated Press, where they diligently press the proper fear buttons to get desired responses. Former Director of the CIA, William Colby, disclosed that "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

Feeling threatened by the free flow of information on the Internet this cartel, along with their government thugs, are increasingly trying to tier the level-playing-field Internet into their desired pyramid. The bulge of mainstream news coverage of a possible cyber 'Pearl Harbor' gives sufficient cover for proposed Internet-controlling legislation, while the Pentagon begins collaboration with the Intelligence cartel to monitor all Internet activities. When competition is a sin, and reality cannot be thoroughly controlled by this cartel, we can expect a massive event to frighten the public into submission -- be on the lookout for false flag Internet attacks.

These cartels have wholly consumed our federal government through the revolving door to function as an oligarchy for the wealthy. As long as these cartels are allowed to persist, we will never have truly free market and free consumer choices, let alone a sovereign democracy.

Oct 24, 2010 12:41PM
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