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Message: Not as much as expected?

I see gold and silver getting creamed right now. I'm sure the longs are nervous before QE II, so the Cartel is able to hit some Sell-STOPS to cause the cascade. But that's not my point.

Everyone and their uncle knows QE II is going to happen, AND, the Fed will word today's announcement in such a way to make it sound like the money printing won't appear to be a much as expected.

As Sinclair says QE to Infinity. However, perception is the game that's played. Despite the fact that in the end the Dollar will be worth less, or even worthless, the word games are used to extend the pain over a longer period. No since going to the dentist and pulling a rotten tooth when it can be kept around to make sure there's agony for an extended period.

This whole scenario, to me, is like trying to sell a house on a hill with a beautiful view. The fact that the house is sliding down the hill to it's destruction isn't of any concern, as long as it doesn't slide down as much as expected.

In fact, to really put it into perspective, imagine the house is expected to slide down the hill only 12 inches per year, so the market price is $200,000. However, much to everyone's surprise, this past year it only slid down 9 inches, not as much as expected. Hurray, the selling price is now $220,000. This is how the stock market seem to function.

Bernanke's job is to make sure the big picture is ignored - the house is going to be destroyed in the end. Instead focus on today only. In otherwords, screw the big picture, let's party today while the house is still standing.

Makes me sick just thinking about it. And, what is Congress and the President doing about it? What they always do, make it worse.

Kinda makes you wonder how the original framers of this country ever came together as a group and managed to agree. Certainly they must have had very prosperous lives, even under British rule. Didn't they just think of themselves? Why did they put their lives on the line? For principles? Hard to imagine since, for a very few, our servants (haha) don't seem to even know the word exist.

Since there hasn't been a total, complete collapse yet, I predict that our newly elected Congress will do the same thing as the last elected servants did, allow things to get worse by doing nothing of any consequence, or attempt to fix the current puss and makes things worse some more. Until the current system is totally and absolutely in shambles, and all of the people actually give a damn about who's running our government, I don't foresee an progress. We will have to hit bottom first.


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