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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Two races that boggle the mind -

I know a lot of things could be said about yesterday's mid-term election in the United States but a couple of the races absolutely boggle the mind: the return to the Senate of the incomprehensively corrupt Harry Reid and the electon of Chris Coons over Christine O'Donnell.

Reid seemed to surge at the last minute with Sharron Angle having had a several point lead right up to voting time. Why? Obvously those who "vote for a living" had a sudden moment of panic and thought they better get their welfare ***es out to make sure ol' Harry went back to Washington to keep sending them freebies while he continued to annihilate the value of the U.S. dollar.

As for Christine, the "good people" of Delaware would possibly be happier in North Korea or Cuba where there are more communists than just the single Chris Coons. What abject fools.

Even with all the evil the current Marxist has foisted upon the American people it still seems not to be enough fo the likes of the citizens of Nevada and Delaware. So, so very sad and incontrovertible evidence that gold and silver are literally going to the moon, today's shenanigans by the banksters notwithstanding.

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