You have rebutted exactly nothing.
You are but an example of one who wishes to continue doing the same old things while expecting a different result. Despite the fact that the deterioratonon of the country is running rampant now with exponentially escalating debt and veritable implosion of the currency and organized financial system, you still wonder of the Franks, Pelosis and Reids are doing any worse a job than would Ron Paul and his contingent.
Very little positive can be said for one holding such opinions in the face of incontrovertible facts to the contrary as the nations slips ever deeper into the abyss.
The age-oldl adage is indeed true:
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
II Tim. 3:7
Go ahead and scoff at it. After all, as you mocked, I am a Christian. But know this. Many of the prophecies (predictions) of the Old Testament have already come true and the remainder are destined to. The verabage of the New describes to a "t" the current events overtaking the earth including the incredible, never before seen corruption unfolding everywhere. If I were a betting man, I would not count its veracity out.
As for you and your fellow sophists and leftists, intellectually in vogue at the present temporary moment in history, must hope against hope that your world view is the correct one although there exists not one credible shred of evidence that it is.