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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Ed Steer this morning

People's Bank of China Researcher Calls on U.S. to Sell Gold

The European debt crisis goes viral. China and Russia drop the dollar in bi-lateral trade. Mark Hulbert very positive on gold stocks. John Embry and Rob McEwen speak out. A long interview with silver analyst Ted Butler... and much more.

Wednesday and Thursday in Gold and Silver

Not a lot happened on either Wednesday or Thursday worth spending much time on. The gold price spent most of that 48-hour time period within a ten dollar price range... and at this rarified price, that's basically flat. The red line on the chart is Wednesday... and the green line is Thursday.

Silver's action during the last couple of days is hardly worth mentioning, either. There was a bit of a sell-off at the London p.m. gold fix on Wednesday... but the price recovered quickly. Silver spent most of those two days within a 25 cent price band... less than a 1% range. Nothing much to see here, folks.

The dollar didn't do much either... trading basically unchanged since the Wednesday morning open, right up until 11:30 p.m. last night as I write these words. Here's the 3-day chart.

With the U.S. markets closed yesterday, here's the HUI for Wednesday. The gold price finished a hair lower on that day... and so did the shares.

Wednesday's preliminary volume numbers in gold, net of all roll-overs, was around 185,000 contracts... which was quite a bit for pre-holiday trading. Silver's net trading volume was in the neighbourhood of 65,000 contracts. Because of the way that the open interest numbers were reported in the CME volume report... I'm going to be particularly interested in the final open interest numbers when they become available later this morning. It's too bad that none of this data will be in Monday's Commitment of Traders report.

The CME's Daily Delivery report on Wednesday showed nothing worth mentioning... and there was no report from either GLD or SLV.

The U.S. Mint sold another 4,000 ounces of gold eagles... with silver eagle sales remaining unchanged. Month-to-date, gold eagle sales are now at 87,000 ounces, with silver eagle sales stuck at 3,875,000 coins. We've got three working days left to break the four million barrier... and if it happens, will the mint report it? We'll find out soon enough.

The Comex-approved depositories reported that silver stocks rose a net 352,504 ounces on Tuesday. The link to that action is here.

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¤ Critical Reads


Spain and Portugal under fire as bond spreads hit record

I have a couple of days worth of stories for you in this column today... and you can pick and chose whatever is of interest to you.

The European debt crisis is now going viral. With Ireland now a ward of the IMF for generations to come, the contagion has spread to two other members of the PIIGS family. Here's a story from The Telegraph that Roy Stephens sent along that's headlined "Spain and Portugal under fire as bond spreads hit record". The link is here.

Unions Shut Down Portugal Over Planned Cuts

Roy has another story on the Euro crisis... this one being specific to only one country... Portugal. It's a piece out of Wednesday's issue of the German website spiegel.de... and it's headlined "Unions Shut Down Portugal Over Planned Cuts". The link is here.

Swaps Soar on 'Sacrosanct' Senior Europe Debt: Credit Markets

Here's a Bloomberg story from reader Wesley Legrand. The cost of protecting against defaults on senior notes of European banks is soaring on speculation bondholders will be forced to take losses as governments try to share the burden of taxpayer-funded bailouts. The headline reads "Swaps Soar on 'Sacrosanct' Senior Europe Debt: Credit Markets"... and the link is here.

It's Official: There Is Not Enough Money To Bail Out Spain

Reader 'David in California' has three offerings for us today. The first is this zerohedge.com piece that's headlined "It's Official: There Is Not Enough Money To Bail Out Spain". It's a bit of read... but the graph at the end of the story is worth trip... and the link is here.

That voice of truth belongs to Nigel Farage

But into this European madness steps a voice of reason that cuts to the chase of what is really going on. That voice of truth belongs to Nigel Farage... a British politician and leader of the UK Independence Party... and a current Member of the European Parliament. His speech runs about three and a half minutes, but in it, he rips European Union president Van Rompuy [and all his 'wannabe globalist fascist' friends] a new one. This speech occurred at the end of October, but could just has well been given yesterday. I thank reader 'David in California' for sharing this must watch youtube.com video with us... and the link is here.

China and Russia Drop the Dollar in Bilateral Trade

On an entirely different topic, the next offering for you today is this GATA release from yesterday which Chris Powell headlined "China and Russia Drop the Dollar in Bilateral Trade". It's an item posted yesterday over at the chinadaily.com.cn website... and the link is here.

From Lisbon to Vladivostok: Putin Envisions a Russia-EU Free Trade Zone

While on the subject of Russia, here's another story from the German website spiegel.de. This one's courtesy of Roy Stephens and bears the headline "From Lisbon to Vladivostok: Putin Envisions a Russia-EU Free Trade Zone". It's a 2-minute read... and the link is here.

Solvency Crisis in the Banking System

Eric King over at King World News has a short blog posted that features John Williams of shadowstats.com fame. The headline is spot on... "Solvency Crisis in the Banking System". This is, as James Turk has pointed out many times in the past, is not a banking system liquidity problem... it's a banking system solvency problem. That's what John Williams talks about here. The blog is very much worth your time... and the link is here.

Juniors vs. seniors: Secondary gold-mining companies have been trouncing the majors

I have lots of precious metals-related stories for you today.

The first item comes from legendary market analyst Mark Hulbert. It's a piece that was posted over at the marketwatch.com website... and is headlined "Juniors vs. seniors: Secondary gold-mining companies have been trouncing the majors". Hulbert comments that despite the cries from many pundits that the gold market has got ahead of itself recently... "if you were avoiding the gold market right now out of concern that it’s overheated, you may want to rethink your reticence." Amen to that! I thank reader U.D. for sending me this story... and the link is here.

More gold imports may pressure Vietnam's currency

'David in California' provides the next gold-related story. It's a Reuters piece from Hanoi that's posted over at malaysia.news.yahoo.com... and the headline reads "More gold imports may pressure Vietnam's currency". Several months ago, all gold imports into the country were halted, but Vietnam's central bank has granted more quotas to import gold by year-end, in a bid to cool domestic gold prices, as inflation is becoming a serious problem over there. Along with inflation, gold smuggling was on the rise as well. The story doesn't mention what weight of gold is involved, but I'm sure we'll find out as time passes... and the link to the story is here.

PBOC Researcher Calls on U.S. to Sell Gold, People's Daily Says

Here's a very interesting Bloomberg piece that I found embedded in a GATA release yesterday. The headline is an eye-opener... "PBOC Researcher Calls on U.S. to Sell Gold, People's Daily Says". The first paragraph reads as follows... "The U.S. should cut its government spending and sell some gold reserves to balance its budget and fund its recovery, the People's Daily overseas edition reported, citing Xia Bin, an adviser to the People’s Bank of China." The shoe is certainly on the other foot, now... and the link to this very short story is here.

Gold Fever: Pondering the Causes

Here's another story that ended up as a GATA release yesterday. It's from yesterday's edition of The New York Times that's headlined "Gold Fever: Pondering the Causes". The piece runs about two pages... and the link is here.

Reg Howe: Three years of contraction and concentration in gold derivatives

The next item is your very heavy reading for the day. It's written by my friend Reg Howe... a name that strikes fear in the hearts of the top brass at Kinross. It's his commentary on the latest gold and silver derivatives report. I don't completely understand everything in this report... so don't be discouraged if he loses you in quite a few places... and the graphs don't help much either. The GATA headline reads "Reg Howe: Three years of contraction and concentration in gold derivatives". Chris Powell's preamble to the story may help you understand more of what Reg has written... and the link is here.

Embry expects a mania in precious metal mining shares

Here's a King World News blog with Sprott Asset Management's John Embry. It's embedded in a GATA release with an excellent preamble by Chris Powell, which is also worth the read... and the link to the blog... headlined "Embry expects a mania in precious metal mining shares"... is here.

Rob McEwen - Gold Mania, Then a Re-Writing of the System

Here's another King World News blog that Eric slid into my in-box late last night. It's an interview with former founder and CEO of Goldcorp, Rob McEwen. Rob is currently chairman and CEO of US Gold. The headline reads "Rob McEwen - Gold Mania, Then a Re-Writing of the System". The link is here.

Interview with Theodore Butler

Lastly today, silver analyst Ted Butler has another commentary published in the public domain... and I'm just going to steal Chris Powell's preamble from his GATA dispatch late on Wednesday. "James Cook, proprietor of Investment Rarities, has done a comprehensive interview about silver market manipulation with the dean of silver market analysts, Ted Butler, whose long campaign against the manipulation has begun to bear fruit. The interview has been posted over at silverseek.com... and is headlined 'Interview with Theodore Butler'." The link to this must read interview is here.

¤ The Funnies

¤ The Wrap

There's not much else to report for Wednesday and Thursday trading. Volume in both metals on Thursday was vapour... and what volume there was, was roll-overs as we approach month end. It's at times like that that Ted Butler is fond of pointing out that 90% of gold and silver trading occurs either in New York... or on the Globex trading system with the New York banks doing the trading.

Both gold and silver were under some pressure as soon as Friday trading began in the Far East earlier today. Then silver and gold both took a header in the two hours prior to the London open at 8:00 a.m. local time this morning... as the dollar rose about 25 basis points. One doesn't have to spend too much time wondering who the not-for-profit seller might be in such a thinly-traded market. Volume was very light during this time period. The prices recovered a bit the moment that London trading began... and now I see that both metals are rolling over as the dollar screams higher... now up more than 50 basis points as I hit the 'send' button at 4:50 a.m. Eastern time.

I don't have the faintest idea of what's in store once New York trading begins this morning. It's Friday... and everything has to be squared up for November on the Comex futures market today. Last day of trading [and delivery] for November is Monday... and First Day Notice for December is on Tuesday the 30th.

As I mentioned at this point last Friday, here's an offer that Casey Research had last year around Christmas. It's our second annual Heirloom 24K holiday jewelry campaign. First Collector’s Guild is now offering only one style of 24-K gold necklace, bracelet and anklet - the Bhat design. In order to arrive before Christmas, you have to order [by phone] on or before December 10th. If you decide to place an order, please mention that you read about it my Gold and Silver Daily column. You can check out all the details by clicking here.

I hope your weekend goes well... and I'll see you here tomorrow.

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