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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: SPX Priced In Gold

Since gold exposes bankster fraud, one can easily understand why its value must be continuously suppressed.

Regards - VHF


Why I love Gold... And You Should Be Buying TOO!!!

Graham Summers

Feburary 19, 2011

Investors have dozens of reasons for loving Gold. Some love it because it’s a great inflation hedge. Others love it because it can’t be devalued. Others love it because it’s a storehouse of wealth.

Personally I like Gold for all of these reasons too. But my favorite reason for liking Gold is because it calls “BS” on this stupid stock market rally.

Indeed, while stocks have hit new highs for the rally begun March 2009, Gold has a way of showing the world that most of these gains are in fact illusory: the product of easy money and US Dollar devaluation.

Here’s stocks priced in US Dollars:

Here’s US stocks priced in Gold:

Not quite as impressive is it? In fact, based on this chart, stocks haven’t increased your purchasing power since April 2010… interestingly enough the time at which the Fed’s QE1 program ended.

In other words, Gold has proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Fed’s QE lite and QE 2 programs haven’t done ANYTHING for real household wealth. Stocks, when priced in a currency that can’t be devalued, have accomplished NOTHING since April 2010.

The picture is even worse when you look at stocks priced in Gold since the Tech Bubble:


That’s an 81% drop in value since 2000. So not only have stocks done NOTHING in nominal terms since the Tech bubble, but they’ve actually LOST 81% in purchasing power since the last decade.

How can you not like Gold? It’s the one stop refutation of everything Bernanke and the others central banking folks claim. It stops CNBC’s nonsense dead in its tracks. It calls BS on all the stock bulls' claims that stocks are actually MAKING money..

AND it increases your real wealth.

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