"To me it sounds a bit like under the present explosive economic/monetary conditions it is wise to forget about Technical Analysis."
My Gold model is not based on technical analysis. It's all about the study of Gold cycles in the context of nature, of the law of order of all things by the great unseen hand, Mother Nature, God if you will. It is these cycles which influence the charts and not the other way around. Charts are only useful in reading the influence of the cosmic order of things on the various investment markets in order to figure out the duration and direction of oscillation periods. Listen to these echos, understand how their source impacts direction of markets and you'll have opened the door to an entirely new way of looking at markets and investment timing. Armstrong is the master of this work, has kept the keys to this information close to his heart, away from the reach of undeserving rascals, and has paid dearly. Food for thought. Ask yourself why Sinclair recommends closing one's mind to the world and listen in silence to what the universe has to say. I realize this sounds way off to the far left field but nevertheless, the results speak volumes - his study of TA & Cycles analysis has made him a fortune.