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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: JP Morgan Silver SLV is bigger Hypocrisy than Goldman Mortgage Backed Securities

Carl Levin in Washington D. C. is rightfully slamming Goldman Sachs for selling Mortgage Backed Securities to all their Clients and meanwhile shorting the crap out of them behind the scenes. I hope that Lloyd Blankfein gets jail time for this...... but meanwhile because Blankfein pays so much to the political funds of all the Washington scum - the conclusion is that this act is not criminal - it is only immoral - so leave Lloyd alone.

Well how about JP Morgan ???

They are supposed "Custodiams" of the gigantic SLV Silver ETF - the largest silver ETF in the world - and meanwhile have the largest short position on the COMEX. Shouldn't this be seen as a conflict of interest to the buyers of this fraud silver ETF ? It is both "immoral", criminal and an outrage that of all entities, J P Morgan would be the one to oversee the Silver ETF.

What is then doubly insulting, is that SLV, GLD has little to no metal - only pictures of bars on their website and claims of millions of ounces. And did you ever read the prospectus for GLD or SLV ? It is all in mumbo-jumbo legalese that is pages long. Why would lawyers write pages and pages of babble and then make it so difficult to redeem shares for metal ?? They want to let you think that the funds are redeemable for metal, but it is only redeemable in 6 million dollar blocks of untouched batches of stock and other convoluted restrictions.

Silver would not be $43 bucks now if they really had millions of ounces - because they would have "leased"/"swapped" it to the market to cover delivery obligations if they really had it. All the metal ETF add "paper" ounces to the supply side of both gold / silver. If more supply than demand, then the price goes down. And we are talking massive fraudulent "paper" metal supply here.

All investment and financial advisors are paid fat commissions to divert all clients that express an interest in the metals to these ETFs. "All the benefits of owning actual gold - without the headache of storing and securing it !!!"

Why do I bring this up ? Because nothing more has hurt the Precious Metal Stocks than these fraudulent vehicles. They were set-up right when demand started to pick up in the 2005 timeframe. Their Custodians are the most heinous members of the Gold Cartel (J P Morgan and Barclays). so I certainly smell a rat here.

Finally: So, think about it... if they don't actually buy metal with the money that is given them for each "share" .... What do they do with all those 100s of billions of dollars ???? Why of course - they use it to short Gold / Silver !!!

These ETFs must be exposed for what they are so the metal stocks can get some volume and interest again. I believe that it is impossible that SLV has the ounces they claim. If anyone tried to buy the number of ounces they claim to buy on a day to day basis, they would not be able to find the supply. Sprott took 60 days to fill a relatively small silver order in January this year and supply is getting tighter by the day.

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