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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: silver up 52 cents overseas

I am trying to figure out if this is a blow off top or if something structural is going on. My guess is that it is something structural because as much as silver has been rising, I think the investment buyers are the same people for the last 10 years and they would wait for pullbacks to buy and that has not been happening. Also the lack of movement in the shares shows the rise is not from the normal investment community. I think that Ted Butler has postulated that the silver bear market before the middle of last decade was accomplished by borrowing huge amounts of silver from China. Maybe they want it back. Maybe JP Morgan is buying physical silver or covering shorts otc or in derivatives. Maybe someone with brains and money like the Rothschilds has crunched the numbers and determined that technological advancement and the silver supply are diametriclly opposed to each other. Maybe the Italians discovered unlimited energy that requires silver. And last, maybe Carlos Slim decided that dollars are worse than peso's and put in an order for a billion ounces.

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