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Message: OT: If I didn't read it, I wouldn't believe it: Coming to a Canadian city near u
....is it possible that that this won't happen....?
Federal Spychips To Hijack Your Phone
Paul Joseph Watson
May 11, 2011
The announcement that Americans are set to be bombarded with mandatory government
propaganda via their cellphones represents a shocking lurch forward in the Obama
administration’s bid to launch a total takeover of all communications as part of a wider move
towards controlling the Internet, developing an omnipresent wiretap system, and creating a
constant environment of suspicion and distrust by enlisting citizens to spy on each other.
Short of implanting a microchip in people’s heads, the US government has opted for the
next best thing, a chip in your cellphone. But what else will these “special chips” be used
“Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on
cell phones equipped with special chips and software,” under the new program which was
launched today in New York and is set to be rolled out across all major cities by the end of
next year, reports CBS New York.
Cellphone users would not be able to opt out of “presidential messages,” with Verizon and
AT&T, the nation’s largest cell phone carriers, already on board.
“For now, the alerts are capable on certain high-end cell phones but starting next year, all
cell phones will be required to have the chip that receives alerts,” adds the report.
The messages will supersede all other phone traffic and have a unique signal and vibration,
meaning that your private conversation could be cut off to make way for government
propaganda in a program that resembles Minority Report-style invasiveness on steroids.
What else these “special chips” that will be mandatory in all cellphones will do is not
explained, but given the recent scandal where it emerged that cell phone companies were
building location databases of where their users had traveled, the sky’s the limit.
Cell phone providers already have the capability to send out text messages to all their
subscribers instantly, so why the government needs a “special chip” to be installed will only
heighten suspicions that this is a trojan horse for an omnipresent wiretap that will feed every
scintilla of information from your phone directly to big brother.
As one respondent to the story put it, “Surely you only need a database of all phone
numbers to send out text messages. Am I only person wondering why all handsets need to
be fitted with “special chips” in order to receive text messages? The “special chips” can only
be being introduced to serve other purposes.”
“This seems very suspicious. Why can people not opt out of the president’s messages?”
asked another. “They pay for their phones – they should dictate what it does, not Obama.”
Would the “special chips” also empower Obama to shut down all cell phone traffic on a
whim in a time of declared “national emergency”?
Obama already has the power to override all radio and television networks under the
recently expanded Emergency Alert System, which allows FEMA to break in on live
broadcasts to send out alerts.
His administration is also pushing cybersecurity legislation that would hand Obama a
figurative kill switch for the Internet. The term “kill switch” is an oversimplification, what the
agenda actually revolves around is the ability to impose Chinese-style censorship over
the world wide web and develop an ID system that would force users to have their access
controlled by a state-run licensing procedure.
The government-mandated chips would also help achieve the Department of
Transportation’s aim of blocking all cellphone use in cars. The chip would allow authorities
to prevent use of the phone by measuring the speed you are traveling via GPS technology
and shutting down the handset.
This trifecta of broadcast media, Internet, and cellphone traffic represents a total takeover of
the entire spectrum of communications in the United States by the Obama administration.
Aside from the terror fearmongering, the system is also wide open for abuse in more
prosaic terms, with some fearing that the messages could include PR talking points and
political electioneering. Indeed, the image that accompanies a USA Today piece about the
story is of a cellphone displaying an infomercial about Obama’s 2012 campaign.
The plan to harass cell phone users with specious terror alerts is part of a larger agenda of
fear-based social conditioning by the government. As we noted last month, the Department
of Homeland Security announced a new system to replace the old color-coded one.
Now so-called terror threats that inevitably turn out to be either false alarms or politically
motivated scams will be posted on Facebook and Twitter pages in addition to broadcast
over television, radio and cell phones.
As we have exhaustively documented, the move has nothing whatsoever to do with keeping
Americans safe from terrorism. More Americans are killed every year by bumble bees or
peanut allergies than they are by terrorists.
“Even with the September 11 attacks included in the count, the number of Americans
killed by international terrorism since the late 1960s (which is when the State Department
began counting) is about the same as the number of Americans killed over the same period
by lightning, accident-causing deer, or severe allergic reaction to peanuts,” writes Ohio
University’s John Mueller in a report entitled A False Sense Of Insecurity.
The real agenda behind the program manifests itself in numerous ways. On the one hand,
this is a further intensification of the Big Sis “see something say something” campaign, it’s
designed to condition Americans that terrorists are lurking around every corner and that
they must spy on their community to prevent attacks.
This is also about capitalizing on the dubious Bin Laden raid to return Americans to a state
of post-9/11 intellectual castration, corralling subservience to a system that utilizes fear to
control the population and eviscerate constitutional rights.
With the compliant and castrated media increasingly distrusted, Americans are either
moving to alternative news sources or tuning out altogether. This has necessitated the
government to launch a wide spectrum takeover of all communications in its bid to keep the
population under the firm control of state-issued propaganda.
We are now just a few steps away from having literal telescreens installed in our homes
that beam directly into our brains the latest government fables about who we’re bombing
now, what level chocolate rations are this month, as well as Michelle Obama’s mandatory
exercise program.
Winston Smith’s world of 1984 has come home to roost.
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