Ahh, the opaque transportation of illegal and non existant stocks continues at a heady pace. Then... all those with honest, long intentions worn on their sleeves are encouraged on by their "dark-matter" twins to post all manner of excellent and positive grist, which thus emboldens the shorters... because they really do need someone on the other side of the market, naked or fully clothed.
"What an incidious, incestuous cesspool we swim in" I say to those who are real investors here. We know who the enemy is but we do not know who our imposter "friends" are. It is thus with most JPMs, but especailly so here at ECU. Odd, how that JPM can be taken both ways isn't it?
Timmy is speaking today which means the $US must be goosed for saving face...err, farce.
Gold and silver are being kept below $1550 and $37.50. The Turd says we can expect silver to trade in a tight range fr the next 7 to 10 days....which brings us to Armstrong's mid June thingee. Odd how so many factors portend "something" in mid June eh? That's next Wednesday.