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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Ed Steer this morning

Hi gwr1 et al,

Thanks for continually posting this column.

Todays is most enlightening with the following statement from Ed, which, in my opinion, reflects my position and I hope most here.


"Nothing has changed out there in what's left of the real world, except the fact that each passing day gets us closer to the black hole that's about to swallow up the world's financial and monetary system...and we're circling the event horizon at an ever-faster rate.

The situation has now become so dynamic and fluid, it appears inevitable that a black swan of one kind or another will appear out of nowhere at any time...and with the way things are unfolding, the European credit markets and the banking system could freeze up in heartbeat, with unknowable consequences for the banking system in the U.S.A...and beyond.

Everyone is flying by the seat of their pants at the moment...including this writer. We have all become bystanders...and can only watch while events unfold around us that we have no say in, or control over.

I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be...and I hope it's enough."


Today and going forward, government and the banks are of little use, as far as solving average Joe/Jane's problems. In fact, the only people that prosper by them, are TPTB (the elites, etc).

To look after yourself, you need to have assets to trade for necessities. Gold and Silver and PM shares will be the most tradable, with other necessities following close behind.

How long?

I believe all will come to a head long before the next U.S. election.

Hope I'm wrong, but no-one with any stature, seems to recognize the seriousness of the situation or show any urgency in solving the problem.

Seems like they just don't get it!

Good Luck to all!

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