"I'm getting a bit tired of reading how the shorts are about to start running for the hills and they're all broke and JPMorgan won't be able to keep this game on forever. We've been reading this forever and frankly, I don't believe it."
Take comfort then in the thought that, if not this time, or next time, but at some point in the future...they WILL finally be right.! It is a mathematical certainty.
Contrarians beware! If U are in the crowd that believes when everyone says for example "The $US is toast!" that it's time to buy the $US....
There WILL be a point in future time when everyone says "The $US is toast!" and it will drop to ZERO. Every certainty arrives eventually. When all Weimar Germans said "The Mark is toast!"...U would not have done well to be a buyer of Reichmarks.
There WILL be a "shot heard 'round the world", a paradigm shift, complete and final loss of confidence, a "straw that broke the camel's back", a "He's not wearing any clothes!" or a "black-swan event" whereupon the "Great Collapse" WILL begin.
IMHO we should not laugh and bet "the-other-way" when someone says the above...because, while it may not be strictly true in timing, it is true in theory, and will one day become fact...and it may, actually, BE this time! It is good imo to keep reminding ourselves why we are here (and probably "all in" most of the time).
Not holding my breath...but not laughing either. Remain hopeful...stay the course...plan for the worst...hope for the best...but always expect the unexpected.!
lotus petals,