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Message: I apologize!

I had a giant Ron Paul Banner in my yard in 2008 and have been following him for at least 12 years here in Texas....... My son met with Ron Paul a few years ago in Washington D.C. and he told him that he was also in medicine (Pharmacy) and would some day like to follow Ron Paul's example and get into politics...... Ron Paul replied that he should stick to medicine and that Washington D.C. is nothing but a snake pit.... The other candidates laughed at him in the 2008 debates, but they are not laughing now. His ideas are twenty years ahead of all other candidates and attract even liberals to his constitutionally based thinking. He has never flip-flopped and has been saying the same message for over 20 years. He is beyond scandal and the media cannot dig up dirt on him except on his idealogy or people that have associated themselves with him.

But, it is with regret that I say .... that I agree that a Ron Paul presidency would be a game ender for America. We are way too far gone to have the Status Quo shaken so radically. A trillion dollar government shrinkage program and all withdrawal of troops would contract the economy like pouring salt on a slug. Unemployment would surge !!!!

We could have gone the Ron Paul route 10 years ago and possibly saved the country, but not now. If elected, the elite that have stolen most of our country's wealth would flee like rats from a sinking ship. This capital flight would leave the other 99 % of the population with nothing but crumbs to fight over.

In the end total collapse will still occur, but these whiny flip-floppers will do the only play that can be done at this time - printing mountains of money. This will buy us another year or so...... and that year will allow my children to get one year older and wiser to handle the storm that is coming.

But this is all idealogical banter .... It is a non-issue that Ron Paul will ever get even near the nomination .... Anyone that will limit or end the FED will be stopped, assasinated or removed. The propaganda machine will kill him softly and if that doesn't work... they will have to use the CIA.

The plan of the powers that be is to field an extremely weak Republican field so that Obama can get 4 more years. The one thing they did not count on was that this would allow a real candidate like Ron Paul to shine like a diamond. One thing that they got right in picking Obama is that he has masterful oratory skills and is a very competent debater. He will trounce a Romney or Gingrich. They need him to keep the bailouts and fraud going so they can finish the job of looting the richest county in the history of the world.

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