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Message: absolutely incredible and it means endless money printing and higher gold/silver

I've been watching the old BBC series "The World at War", about WW2, and last night watched the episodes depicting the British and German home life during the war, with the bombings of cities, the V1 and V2 weapons, etc. The ways in which each people reacted to this was almost totally different. The British under Churchill were told that things were bad and going to get worse before they improved. The Germans under Hitler were given many false messages. For instance did you know that the Germans didn't even start drafting women into the workforce until 1943, 4 years into the war? The British on the other hand immediately converted their entire country into a weapon to defend themselves. It was truely their finest hour.

I can't help but make the comparision to the US today. Whether or not you beleive that 9/11 was the result of an attack by box cutter wielding terrorists or by something else, the attack did happen. And what was the result? 10+ years of a "War on Terror" that can never be won, trillions of dollars wasted, personal freedoms eroded. Two buildings and 3000 souls caused this most expensive "war" in history. The British lost 40,000 civilians killed during the bombings, and Churchill and the government kept on working, strikes took place; the people knew there was hardship ahead and faced it heroically. Why, I believe mainly it was due to the way in which the government (mainly Churchill), got the people to buy in to the notion that it was shared sacrifice, that if they all hunkered down and worked hard that they would see a better time. I can't help wondering what Churchill would have done after 9/11. I think he would have said "Look, this is a terrible tragedy, very angry people are trying to hurt the citizens of the US, but we will NOT sacrifice our freedoms in any way in reaction to this. The US is bigger than that. Sure we want to get even, and eventually we will use the technical and intellectual might of our nation to find out the truth, but we will not use this tragedy as an excuse to flex our military muscle where it isn't appropriate." The Germans were mostly fed a line of crap about this being a short "blitzkrieg" war, and were shocked and surprised when they invaded the Soviet Union and their cities were bombed into oblivion.

What I feel we need (I'm speaking worldwide here) are people that can step up and tell the truth, tell people what they know already in their hearts, that things are going to get bad and be bad until the rot is cut out of the system. I think people would react with relief and get to work making the world a better place. People can handle the truth.

Sadly I thought Nobama was a good start to this process, only to find that he is a paid shill of Wall Street.

Sorry for the rant, but I see such parrallels to the world today and the way in which Nazi Germany BS'd its populace until it was too late.

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