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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Cockeral makes some valid points.

You just don't get it Sinbob, your original post was an attempted inditement of Golden management with strongly accusatory verbage and that was the issue plus you missed Sinclairs point almost entirely (as pointed out by Tidbits and myself) for which you now seem to have had a virage, which is good. And now you further attempt to divide posters on this board by trying to score a thumbs up thing that no one probably cares about accept you. You had so many wrong assumptions and accusations in your post and maybe a couple of good things that rang true, how do you know what people meant by their thumbs up. Dontcryforme at least made it clear that he thought your comments on Cannacrap were legit and worth pursuing and frankly I agree as I have no love for that investment bank nor many others for that matter but you over interpret or mis-interpret to help you rationalize your angry lashing out in all directions.

You point out you have been in trenches and have earned the right to be as you are given your long years of being an investor and trying to help people selflessly and to this I must say your absolutely correct and your commentary over the years has been helpful to many and guidedance to some. As I said yesterday in previous posts I don't blame the Sinclair's, Embry's, Sprotts's or Murphy's of the world, they have tried to give selflessly their best advice and views over the years knowing no one can be 100% right at all times. This by the way applies to you as well and any others who have ventured into the public domain trying to help and there are many.

I made it very clear that no one has an issue with questions for management and I also pointed out even more clearly that this is what Sinclair intended. You seem to change your spots as you realize how wrong you were yet want to poke sticks in peoples eyes. Baba was simply pointing out the very obvious flaws in your approach and that it made you appear to be something that was less than flattering.

You play on peoples emotions in a very dangerous way in my view and that is very much a two edged sword. It may provide a good outlet for your anger or it may make you more angry but for sure if doesn't help others here. Many can be easily swayed in the present environment given the totally illogical events we have witnessed over the past few years but such angry confrontation is no way to move forward in my view and you if anything are very angry, I will not debate the merits of this further for this is for you to deal with. We have all suffered in Golden as has management (it doesn't have to be an US against THEM debate or scenario) and some are still mega long this story unlike yourself as you suggest.

BTW, I learned early on in my business and investment life that I had a choice I could trust people and get screwed on occassion or always be looking over my shoulder and never trust anyone. I chose to run the risk of getting screwed once in a while rather than live the other way. I have been fortunate in my choices with only a few bad experiences.

For the info of all here some of the reasonable questions posed later yesterday have already made there way into managements hands.

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