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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Two quotes... (O.T. but... )

Annnnddddddddddddd hrer we go...........................

In response to msg 103231 by couplover ignore topic, view thread, thread start

Re: Yikes!

couple of opinions - that's all.

First off Coup the recent discourse is not about you (per say) or anyone else. Boards like this one are meant to be forums to share ideas, views etc on a certain topics. The value of a board is in many ways determined by the diversity of opinions, ideas and differences of opinion. For me and many others I expect that's what makes the exchange interesting and of value. One can learn a lot along the way and at times it may even make one re-evaluate their assumptions in a positive way. I know for me in all of these years I've benefited from differences of opinion. To censure folks for having a expressed adifference of opinion is wrong even if they are awkward in expressing such. If one does not like the thread or the poster there is an option to use, the hide button is an excellent tool and is meant to be used on a personal level and SHOULD. There is no right or wrong here it's an individule choice.

With that said, where the discussions starts to lose value and serves no purpose is when another attempts to discredit belittle a poster using name calling and personal innuendos. Continually spreads blatant disinformation to cause (in this instance financial) harm to others, or attempts to sabotage a board . Starts making personal references that have no connection to the topic. Does so on an ongoing basis.

This is wrong and in the long run is meant to stifle discussion, chase off those that back up arguments with facts to thwart the disinformation attempts and or render the value of the board useless. This in my opinion needs to be addressed if there is a desire to keep the forum lively yet relevant to the topic. To sit back and claim that it's part and parcel of message boards and must be excepted is wrong (if one wants to maintain the board objectives). I've seen too many good boards become worthless because the members felt no compunction to call out these types and if necessary force them to either tone down or get out. Freedoms do have limits albeit when they harm others. To try and rationalize otherwise is just a way of not having to address a difficult situation which kept in play is destructive. (just my opinion). To maintain relevence it is important to call them out.

Now as far as seeing the board participation declining (from another post) I have another opinion (surprise LOL). I've mentioned in a previous post that I've noticed a decline in IV and many other forums. It is not necessarily unique to IV although Blue did himself no favors with his last round of board beheadings which appeared to be without rhyme or reason.

MY opinion is that it may have more to do with the overall sentiment change that is taking place in the markets. The shenanigans, fraud and open manipulation have been going on for some time now. As time has progressed it has become more blatant and it is now pretty much in mainstream media and a given. Consider the SEC sueing a rating agency for expressing an opinion they do not like (The TBTF), dam how blatant can it get! The larger majority of Investors know the game is rigged and they stand no chance against the TBTF.
The retail investor has been chewed up and spit out too many times. Also more and more realize where this is heading. Some are like dear in the head lights just waiting for the hit. Others know but are not sure what to do, while there are those on boards like this that are trying to position. Regardless, the sentiment is more and more changing into one of despair, resignation and just plain disgust. Those that have been on this and other boards for some time are tired of the BS, tired of the Trolls and for the most part are moving into a hunker down position right or wrong. One can only talk about the same thing so many times. Investors, retail in particular; are scared and regardless of who wins this election the consequences moving forward are going to be the same it's just a question of who will bring on the disaster sooner than later. Again all in my opinion only. Enough has been said on this topic..
Best to all

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