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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: The smell of War and a substantial Market Crash

We are really getting close here to an event where all paper will be made irrelevant. All signs point to a very desperate administration and extremely fragile global situation. With the elections behind us .... the reasons to hold up all markets is past and now is the time that you will start to see "reality" express itself.

Major market decline needs to happen soon. Look for struggling market in December and Crash in January/February. This is based on the fact that the Christmas shopping season cannot be disrupted - so they will let the consumers consume – before lowering the boom. So, am I saying that the manipulations will stop and free market forces will reign ??? ..... Heck no ..... Look for more outrageous and demonstrative rigging and misinformation to continue to be lathered on in ridiculous and "in your face" fashion. The American people have been lied to so exponentially and for so long…. that they need to slowly lower the consumer into the vat or the kick back will result in the return of the guillotine for our politicians. Unfortunately…. Panic waits for no one and usually comes in a rush.

Remember - interest rates must stay low at all costs or the debt mountain becomes a debt avalanche.

We have all been tested by a long tunnel of fire and may emerge on the other side with huge paper gains someday..... but the way I see it, the battle as an investor has long been lost because of the time factor of tying up our money and hope for so long. The big win here for ECU/AUMN holders should be that you have been seriously forewarned as to what our markets are about and what the sociopaths that run it are capable of. That said, if you choose to stay in their paper game then shame on you.

As always... I will say again what I have said for 9 years running - it is only in physical gold/silver in your possession that you can really trust. Ironically.... if all gold bugs adhered to this strategy and did not buy the fraudulent ETF or seriously manipulated gold stocks every last gram of gold/silver would be in strong hands. This would make their paper games obsolete because the whole game for them is to lever up the "supply" of gold with make believe paper contracts and fraudulent financial ETF vehicles and meanwhile use the media and market manipulation to push down demand by constantly dashing the gold investor against the rocks. Buy the metal and relax and save yourself all the drama.

So am I saying to sell all paper assets ? Most precious metal stocks are so ridiculously valuated now that you need to hold on for the ride. But striving to get 80 % metal and 20 % paper if possible is a good goal. No.... there is some bottom feeding that can be done here that should be quite profitable. But looking in the rear view mirror…..selling 50 % on all spikes of greater than 40 % and then buying back in on all dips would have been an optimal strategy for these last 10 years.

So we see all these stories of military generals in the news. General Petraus, Allen, Ward and others. This points to a military purge going on because events of military significance are about to unfold. Think Israel and Iran. Syria is about getting the air space between these two countries. Also, a sad realization is that both of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were initiated simply because they border the real target – Iran. They are all about building thousands of military air strips and installations at a cost of undisclosed and “off budget” trillions printed and not included in our 16 trillion debt figure – preparing for this invasion of Iran on behalf of Israel.

Also ironically, the guy who campaigned on change has brought us the same with a democratically controlled senate, a republican congress and the same guy running the show. Our situation is so fragile that any change would have destabilized the house of cards… so no surprise here. Called 8 months ago that the puppet show they called an election would be easily won by Obama because they hand picked Mitt Romney to lose. A Mormon, job destroying, elite, tax cheat that flip flopped daily ??? That was the best the Republicans could do?...... of course not - The voting process is just about making you think you have a choice. The media can make or break anyone and they did. Sorry to say….If you vote - you are a patsy.

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