On this evidence, and assuming the trend continues, there will shortly come a time where NYMEX will be forced to declare force majeure in this market, which they can do under their rule book. The consequences of this extreme action could well be destabilising not only for the price and demand for silver but also disruptive for gold.
Therefore, we must add the breakdown of precious metals markets to the list of systemic dangers we face in the New Year.
This seems to suggest that should this event happen it would be a negative for the prices of gold and silver. However, it seems to me that this is counterintuitive and that it should be POSITIVE for the gold and silver prices.
Can anyone explain this seeming contradiction? What am I missing here? If silver and gold in this present geopolitical and economic scenario, which is totally chaotic, cannot hold and preserve value, what can? Certainly not disintegrating fiat or bonds or DOW stocks.
Thanks to one and all.