Hey Pic...not trying to sink 'the picster' or be right... please don't read it that way. All that stuff is just trying to look at all the possibilities ... as you can see I am more than sceptical of those who make all the decisions behind the curtain. I envision a fiendish ghoul at a master computer getting his rocks off by making head fakes every day to screw the gold bugs...and then joining his buddies in crime at the bar after 'work' and having a group-in howling derisively at us all...while raking in millions. Just bad dream I guess.
A while ago I looked at some old charts on gold and very few of them were close,especially time wise...many were downright misleading, but not in a intended way. I also came across some old articles that were written by Willie and others and none of the extreme stuff seems to happen... not that it can't. So, we are always feebly attemptiing to read the future.... or should I say 'the futures'.