A question for you..........I know that you've been very proactive about contacting Karen Winkler, Jeff Clevenger and others. It has been very illuminating for us on this board. But why is it that you (or anyone else that may have the initiative) have to contact the company first, to find out what's paramount in their strategy (cash flow positive) and how they're planning on attaining that goal. Other miners (Like SilverCorp, and IamGold) have come out and publicly announced aggresive steps that they're going to take (buybacks, liquidity focusing on takeovers etc) to assuage fears about the massive drops in their respective stock prices. I just don't see this management doing this. The relative strength on AUMN's chart is a 24, and it is extremely oversold, yet volume is anemic and it continues to languish near 52 week lows, yet management does seemingly nothing......