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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Global Silver-Mining Trends

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Ever heard that? Were I you, I would pay it some attention for you have some nerve casting stones but it's easy on a chat board, right? Ever been told you were narcissistic?

FYI, I was not "reporting," I was informing anyone who cared to listen of what I was told. In view of your incredible intolerance, that turned out to be a mistake which I will not make again, pearls before swine, if you wish. But you would rather continue the ad hominem argument as that is all you have to stand on despite my having expanded on and clarified the initial post as I obtained additional clarification, a fact you conveniently leave out.

What has made this unpleasant is folks like you with your self-righteous and all-knowing attitude. Well, guess what? You do not know as much as you purport to and you have no right to judge me unless you are perfect, which you are most certainly not.

What you are is typical of those who tolerate good news only. Anything else labels one a miscreant in your eyes.

I have posted relatively little on this board and despite your untruthful denial made significant contributions, although obviously not in your opinion. Mislead all you want. Generally, I do more listening than talking. You, "Vice-President," (LOL) talk much and say little.

You can say what you wish to minimize the significance of the gwr post and that of usk regarding the drop in shares held also, but your words ring hollow. There has been a drop in Canadian shares by Sprott and as for the U.S. I have simply told you what I was told by one whose knowledge makes you look and sound like a gnat. If you don't like or cannot tolerate what you learn, buy Facebook or Apple.

As as for the nasty crack about the Avatar, at least I don't hide in the dark. BTW, does "Baba" stand for the sound a sheep makes?

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