This is scary stuff folks. Add the following 'hypothesis' to additional 'deep storage gold' possibilities and voila, either the U.S. gets it's vaulted gold back or the game continues. Is it possible?
Excerpt frpm MIDAS tonight:
"Russia 24, the Russian state news channel, reports that under the current plan that is being discussed by the Cypriot parliament, the Central Bank of Cyprus will sell its gold reserves in order to cover a part of the 5.86 billion euros demanded by the Eurogroup. Other sources of financing the country’s "contribution" include such outrageous measures as a special levy on bank accounts and the expropriation of the money held by the Cypriot pension system, so everyone’s attention is diverted from the sale of gold. The gold reserves of Cyprus stand at 13.9 tons. While not a big amount in itself, these reserves represent "physical gold" not "paper gold" which makes it very valuable from a market manipulation perspective. If the central banks and financial institutions that are suppressing the gold prices are running short on "physical gold", then each ounce of real, assailed, not rehypothecated gold is priceless. Time has shown that the gold market manipulators are extremely powerful and will go to any lengths to keep the gold and silver prices down. If they have to force a country into bankruptcy in order to get 13.9 tons of physical gold and use it to suppress the prices, they’ll do it. If they have to create a distraction for the media, like a "special levy on bank accounts", they’ll do it. If they are successful, it is very likely that Italian or Spanish gold reserves will be targeted next."