Cockerel, I find your self blame a little bit naive...
This "democracy" we live in is not what it seems and hasn't been for years. The banks have been firmly in control of the electorate, the parties, the propaganda news services since at least 1913 when the FED was incorporated.
U can vote GREEN as I have been, or for an independent, but without control of the media, it will all amount to pissing in the ocean. If Ron Paul with his millions, cannot even get his message into debate, what do U think WE the people could do? They forced Buffet, a rich and powerful player, to sell his silver. Bankers run all levels of government.! AND, worst of all, they control the legal system. NOT elected.
There are maybe a few hundred or a thousand people that really understand what's going on!
Even U cockerel, one of the "enlightened", think that the system is on the level! U are deluded, as are we all. Democracy is a sham as it concerns the financial system.
When the system ultimately crashes, it will not be "because of us". It will be "in spite of us". All we can do is watch...and buy gold and silver.