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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Bottom In?

Seems like we may have our own contrary indicator right here on the forum. Zak:

"In a twisted way hoping for ecu =.1 and buying like no tomorrow."

Seriously, guys, step back and look at the whole iceberg, above and below the surface:

1. Central banks send a shot across the bow of dark money by going after Cypriot accounts >100K Euros. (and the Russians get a get out of jail free card!)

2.Big leak of a couple of million offshore dark accounts

3. Commodities doing poorly.

4. BoJ massively increasing it's money printing

5. Government mouthpieces around the globe commenting that any bank accounts over the insured limits may be subject to confiscation, making large depositors actual stakeholders in the shaky banking system.

The message to the people who count in the financial world (the 1% who control 40%+ of the worlds assets) is "move your money out of where you have it hidden, BUT not into hard assets", in other words spend it.. I think the Central bankers are/have realized that all the money they have created has been hoarded by the megabanks, that they have used it to speculate for their own profits and rewarded themselves obscenely, and the hoped for inflation (of course they really WANT INFLATION, how else can anybody pay their debts!) hasn't materialized, ie no or little monetary velocity.

Something has fundamentally shifted, and I am firmly convinced that we are now in the endgame, that as velocity picks up more money will move into physical and maybe mining stocks. I say maybe because the exchanges/brokerages might have so screwed themselves by continually playing these markets like puppets that serious money (OK all our money is serious, but I mean the assets of the 1%) may not touch this world for a long time, if ever. Keeping this thought process moving, one of the only ways that this scenario would change would be to "manage" an explosion in the PM stocks to "create" a mania and reverse the sentiment, and the big bucks will speculate with a bit of their assets to not miss out on the panic. This market will run when the people in charge of manipulating the world decide it should.

I'd love to see others thoughts on these comments. I'm open to be wrong, but I don't think so.

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