I'd be really curious to know if someone here who may have been shorting or naked shorting (as part of a broker/fund/other) AUM at the right moments all the way down has decided to go long. That would be a real help to the shmucks who have been raped in these corrupt markets.
You know who you are but only your 'caddy' knows for sure. And heck, 'everyone' has been doing it in these PM/JPM markets. Can't even begin to imagine the filthy lucher that as now been made. Hey it's expensive to live these days. Even the Royal Bank knows that with their exemplary 'temporary employee' program that absolutely screws their longtime, loyal, poverty pay level 'IT' staffers. Now there's a real move to improve the bottom line. And that my friends typifies our sociopathic world.
Looks like the paper damage is done with maybe a bit of waning downside momentum going into the next few trading days. The cartel (almost everyone) is now shouting 'bear market' in gold. Geeze, I even heard my broker saying so on the radio yesterday. Beat that! It's going to be really interesting to see how much further the spread between the spot price and the paper price can go before it all comes apart. Also, one would have to think the tiime is right for the paper boys to back off, let gold and silver rise a bit and cool things down before the next attack at a higher level .. all controlled of course and shorted/naked shorted with the secret usual messages aforehand. Hey wait a minute, the GDX is woefully oversold. Guess the big boys are in.