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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Block all Exits

My take on all of this is that this is a repeat drill of September 2008. They know that the mantra to "Sell in May and go Away" has really been an effective strategy for the general public investor these last few years. So this factor, the surreal rally of the DOW in the last few months, weak earnings, geo-political and continuing financial crisis saga in Europe are influencing the investor's psychology. This confluence of factors is turning into a breaking point for the average investor and causing him to switch from a greed mode to a fear mode. So... the Behavioral finance people see a big sell-off coming in the stock market and need to lock down all escape hatches.

To understand what the manipulators next move is ..... is to understand the average thinking of the sheeple investor. He is starting to get nervous and is starting to feel like markets do not act like they used to....... but he is too trusting to believe that the whole thing is kabuki theatre. A puppet show where the elites elect his leaders and tell him what to think. He is being led over the cliff by the propaganda machine that has "experts" paraded on CNN and all other media to keep them in the pot - as the water temperature rises uncomfortably.

So, at this juncture, it is absolutely essential that no alternative options exists in the mind of the average Joe Investor. No flight from paper can be allowed at this point. Dollar hedgemony depends on this. So pre-emptively, a coordinated and massive offensive on taking down gold/silver is executed with media cooperation to make sure that when stock markets tank - that the option to run to gold is not viable.

So this gold takedown and any takedown in the future is a preemptive signal that stock markets are about to correct significantly.

As the trillions of unwanted dollars/treasuries migrate back to our shores from foreign hands the Fed will attempt to sop them all up and buy every last one of them. However this will turn from a tidal wave to a monumental deluge and result in massive dollar devaluation, spikes in interest rates and general inflation or hyperinflation. At that point, the only place to be will be the metals.

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