Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: GWR ... calling on your expertise.
I have worked the financial markets as a programmer of software that does trading, algos and wealth management for decades.... and I can tell you unequivocally that your destruction as an investor is without a doubt a methodically planned, intentional and ruthless effort by the TPTB. There are no tin foil hats about it !
In the highly manipulated markets of today.... the markets are used to reward certain types of thinking and punish other types of thinking. In this brave new world.... people that think like us have to be eradicated. We are very dangerous to what they have planned - A virtual world that runs on misinformation, media spin, vaporous ideas and false confidence. Real things and ideas have no place in the alternate reality that they are attempting to create. There is a good percentage of Americans that are fully invested in stocks and feel that the "recovery" is coming along nicely. These are the people that they want to reward. This is the thinking that they want to encourage. We are party poopers that don't buy into their paper or their vapor.... so we need to be spanked and then give in to their program.
Not only is the stock market being ramped up exponentially with government lies, bad fundamentals, revenue and profits.... but the housing prices are up 30% to 40% in Phoenix and Las Vegas. They are re-inflating the housing bubble and getting people to flip properties again ! They are relaxing lending standards again. They are doing whatever is necessary to buy another tomorrow and people that invest in precious metals undermine their paper empire efforts. Austerity ???? Phoey.... Be happy and spend your way to prosperity.
We learn that massive inflation only happens to Senior Gold Miners and nowhere else in the economy. There costs are up more than 100% in the last 3 years(Notice they changed the way they define costs). Their mines were break even at $600 gold, but they are big losers at $1500 gold. Look at profits from last quarter and you will see that Kinross was the only one that made a small amount of money. They are allowed to piss their money away in executive bonuses and other accounting shenanigans to make them look unprofitable because they are all run by Cartel paid executives.
I am not saying that every precious metals executive works for the Cartel, but rather they are complicit in their silence. The main dirty work is done by the Canadian trading houses on behalf of Wall Street which owns the Western world. They operate with compete impunity and with no rule of law.
It is all about destroying your credibility and making you into a cursing blabbering fool. You and any friends / relatives that invested on your advice all get gutted. And every time you think it can't possible go down anymore and you double down by buying a bottom...... surprise !!! we are now going 7 deviations from the norm pricing of precious metal stocks where P/Es are less than 5 and reserves have zero value !!! A commodity that is up 600 % in the last decade and selling at pennies on the dollar. Outrageous and unreal - but if you point it out to people.... you have no credibility, are a big loser on the markets and just another kook conspiracy nut.
In the case of Golden Minerals, however, I go one step further. I believe their executives are operatives of the Cartel and have a directive to see you squirm and watch you die on the vine. Golden Minerals was formed as a company for the expressed purpose of getting their paws on ECUs billion equivalent ounces. Remember, they were formed right before the buyout....they appeared as a cash rich company short on properties and ECU was a cash starved company with monster properties. It seemed like a match made in heaven. Little did anyone know that their directive was to gut the investor base for later turning over this massive resource to one of their bigger brothers - like Silver Wheaton or Pan American for pennies on the dollar. This is how the big boys operate. I more firmly believe this than ever because the management has done absolutely nothing to further this company in the years since acquisition.
People that actually think for themselves are a very rare commodity. These independent thinkers create a spark of fire that can rapidly spread to the masses and become a raging inferno. So it is absolutely critical that these ideas never are rewarded or gain any traction. This could result in them reaching a critical mass and then disseminating to the sleeping public. So you with your losses are just collateral damage for their agenda and the Canadian trading houses eat all the profits that you should have made with their well-timed naked shorts.
As I advise always.... break them with metal not paper.
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