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Message: The Entire Western World is “Detroit”

Meredith Whitney was completely right..... Even on the timing. A monstrous amount of the TARP and "stimulus" money was given to the states to hold them up until BO could get re-elected. It was very well thought out and executed. The amount and frequency of money distributed was directly related to the amount of electoral votes and democratic affiliation of the states in question - with of course California and Illinois getting the most funds. But don't worry, California now has a surplus says Jerry Brown !!!

If Obama could be just half as competent in fixing the countries problems as his people are at getting him elected and then re-elected, then we would be blessed. He is the perfect mouthpiece for stalling the collapse while they rob us blind. Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli citizen, walked Obama into the White House as his Chief of Staff in the first term so he could keep his eye on his puppet and now has taken Chicago for himself as mayor. Brilliant how they can kite the DOW, but everyone still participates and believes it is real. Masterful how they can keep interest rates at zero for 6 years and no one thinks it is odd or extreme. And the propaganda is just outrageous…. but the public seems to just eat it up.

47 million people on food stamps, 11 million on disability and 12 million on unemployment is a lot of checks to kite. Providing this Walmart life style for millions in America is preferable to angry mobs attacking politicians/financiers and stringing them up in the streets.

When we look back at this from a historical perspective we will see that the mightiest country in the world was methodically strung up, bled out and slaughtered. The amount of wealth this country had, took decades to steal. The last of this wealth is being confiscated as we speak. When it is all soaked up, they will let all the rigged markets fail and the losses will be absolutely devastating to the Baby Boomers – who are just too old to recover. It was the largest robbery in the history of the world with a coordinated and synchronized attack using the bought and paid for politicians, media, justice system and technology to rig all markets. Meanwhile, a police state is being assembled behind the scenes to be unveiled when required to deal with our angst and disillusionment.

The analogy of the hopelessness of the world’s debt situation would be the equivalent of me giving you a shovel and asking you to move Mt. Everest. How the dumbed down public can see "recovery" here is just amazing to me. The police state mind control spewing of propaganda has obviously been elevated to a new level.

Now it will be calm until Merkel gets re-elected. She is key to the NWO. But watch out after.

All the nightmares came today..... and it looks as though there here to stay.

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