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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Happy Anniversary "Merger of Equals"


I am not trying to create an argument with you or any other but I believe it is time you began to see this disaster for what it is insead of being critical of the messengers. Here we are down again today and the metals also when there is every reason to be up. I take it you do not find this odd either.

You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to mine. Prerhaps it would less offend your delicate sensibilities if I had said, "incompetent management." A rose by any other name would smell as sweet to quote the Bard of Avon. The result is the same. A plummeting stock price which has fallen and can't get up.

When it is so clear as a number of shareholders have pointed out, not just myself, that this CEO does not see anything wrong with the way his share is trading, I believe there is cause for great concern as no one here would agree with that statement, except perhaps yourself.

Couple that with a highly unusual number of errors in managerial actions, which it is my opinion have led to the share price now being equivalent to 6 cents, as has been previously catalogued and the failure of this stock to respond to a rebounding Ag price, and I believe most observant and concerned shareholders whose money is at stake, would wonder at the comments made by the CEO. Keep in mind that it has been all downhill since ECU got swallowed up by Golden. Golden, in fact, has fared about the poorest of all its peers. Another co-incidence?

If you call a CEO who does not see manipulation and has said so when it has been documented on the board by many obervers going too far, I would presume you did not care if your investment, if you have one, does well or not.

If you have been in the precious metals space for any length of time, you will understand that management is not infrequently the cause of the corporate ship foundering.

In one of the Seeking Alpha articles cited yesterday, this statement was made by the author:

"As I'll point out in this article, Golden Minerals might have some problems to re-open its Velardena silver mine in Mexico even though the silver price has slightly recovered to the current price of $24/oz. The company currently plans to mine the high-grade ore shoots first, but I think this is just a short-sighted temporary solution and makes things worse in the long run."


In his opinioin the company was about to make yet another mistake and was "short sighted." Do you find all of these errors co-incidental? If that is the case you are postulating a mathematically improbable set of events.

When exactly would you expect the CEO who works FOR US and not the other way around, to stop making errors and start doing that which makes us some profit on our investment?

If you wish to defend this sort of thing, go ahead. You have every right despite the fact I find that stance peculiar. But please don't tell me that if it looks like a duck, has webbed feet, and quacks, it is a pigeon.

As far as "going a little to far," I would opine that statement far better fits the fall in the share price than my drawing attention to it.

If Golden does not show some traction soon and its money runs out or it gets taken over by a bigger fish for a song, your investment (if you have one) is kaput. I recognize we all have different levels of tolerance of things gone awry. But from my viewpoint I am having a great deal of difficulty making all this make sense. At the beginning of this venture we were led to believe the CEO was effective and the merger the greatest thing since sliced bread. Where is the evidence of that now?

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