Like so many other juniors out there, obviously, this one's future hinges precariously now on the future of gold and silver prices. Are we dense enough to overlook the real possibility that all those involved in making huge profits shorting and naked shorting this stock did not have a plan from day one?
In the process they wrung their grubby bejeweled hands and gold festooned wrists (ironic, no?) in joy over the fact that the coincident benefits included the opaque attack and punishment on one Bill Murphy and all long term believers in gold and originally, ECU. Mission accomplished! Well done boys! Their next little trick, being flush and levitated with joys of victory, after the destruction of most long shareholders, will be the amazing 'resurrection of AUM once the gold/silver bull escapes the paper shackles barely keeping it at bay. The only thing we do't know is if they are greedy enough to overleap their own corrupt 'genious' and poke at the waking monstor once too often.
What the goldbugs never realized until too late was that they were at war with a much better equipped army than ever imagined (one that took even the most hardy to task) ... and that that army was able to threaten the total PM mining management sector into a silent witness and a permissive, spineless culture that had to look the other way or be singled out for perdition, a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person (gold bug) passes after death. What they don't know is that they are not God. This will be a revelation I can barely wait to witness.