it will Baba. I could give you a myriad of reasons for the present low response of the gold trade right now in the last week of July but no sense in debating something which will likely pass shortly, maybe even as early as next week but for sure next month. I have dreaded this week for about 6 weeks now knowing the lineup of events (huge number of data points this week) in what is a very seasonally quiet time plus month end, it could be much worse given the power of free money to cartel gang & huge Goldman led swaps shorts. This may be the last good kick at the can for the Goldman led swap shorts as even in a quiet time gold still gets some good buying bids as desl are maybe half manned except for the shorts.
I should add that gold rarely reacts in short term when it should or when we think it should anymore, maybe a good indicator of interventions, but it usually does act closer to as it should over a timeframe of weeks or months.