Sentient has loaned the company money for operations to meet the capital requirements for 2016, this is a good thing, actually very good thing. Sentient has the same objectove as everyone here who owns shares, to make money going forward, they have never goven or shown any other intent that I recall or have seen in their history.
The resources that AUM/AUMN controls are very large and gone nowhwere, what has gone away for last few years is the market as everyone here knows with little to no value given to ounces in the ground for any company. The assets in Argentina will one day again get some value as they are very good ounces and the company has a sizable presence in Mexico as we all know. I for one am grateful to Sentient for providing sustaining capital for the company in this lousy market environment for the resource sector as companies have been disappearing now for the last 2 years.
The question I have is not denigrating a good shareholder like Sentient but is the company being prudent in spending the funds provided??