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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Bill Holter vs Bob Moriarty

The gloves are off! Anyone else watching this war of words and egos?

Who's winning so far? I'm leaning towards Moriarty...although his half-truths are just as bad as Holter's, his spelling is better. Sematics play a major role in every debate.

Just what is a "default". Moriarty says there has Never been one - ever...but how does he know there were no cover-ups, or unpublicized defaults? How can he make that blanket statement? Didn't they make rule changes when the Hunt's tried to corner silver? Isn't that a "default" of sorts? Just depends on how flexible your english dictionary definition is I think...and how big your head is too!

Moriarty has said many times that there is no manipulation...yet now Banks have confessed. Whoops! He didn't mention that small oversight. Well, "manipulation", is a slippery definition too...Intent is hard to prove unless U read their email.

But Holter definitely got the derivative blow-up wrong! Big mistake...and his grammar...I wouldn't pay $119 for opinions and spelling like his.

Lots of fun anyways...while waiting for the "End of Civilization" as we know it.


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