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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Today

Hi gildage, Edgy et. al.

I left the U.K in 1967 after suffering through Harold Wilson's left wing policies and ideals.

I finally had enough and decided to seek greener pastures elsewhere and ended up here in Canada.

Since then, I've communicated with my siblings and have felt nothing but sadness in the way that country has changed and succumned to the bureaucratic posturing of the elites in charge of the local parliament and of the unelected elites of the EU.

On Friday last week, for the first time in over forty years, I felt some pride within, knowing that there are still some "sane", courageous old timers left in that country who care about what the U. K. represents, namely "Freedom and Dignity".

They will be faced with several years of hardship, but I wish them well and will watch their progress with interest.

Globalism, unless chosen by the people, can never work, of that I am sure.

Whether you like him of hate him, Trump represents similar change in North America.

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

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