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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: My Sunday Rant!

I have several rants today.

1.  First, my biggest rant – Today is the twenty sixth of November and it is over a month since anyone posted on this board. Considering that this was one of the busiest not too long ago, this is extremely disappointing.

2.  Second Rant - How can anyone take the rich NFL players seriously, even if they now change their minds and decide to stand for the National Anthem? (Should make for some interesting negotiations, next time around)

3.  Third - As some of you know, since I finally retired, I have turned to writing. Mainly novels. I have completed three (A New Way, A Change of Course and Joey-Six-Pack) and am presently in the middle of writing two more (Freedomism and Joey-Six-Pack-Season Two.)

Now my rant! I have learned that the writing is, by far, the easiest thing to do. Getting published - now that is a different story, even with the likes of Amazon around. Sure, they purport to make getting a book to market easier and faster than ever before, and it probably is, but first, you have to be technically inclined, which I am not, (I don’t even own a cell-phone) but I will succeed. (Had thirty copies of my first book printed up, locally, two Christmases ago, for family and close friends -Very expensive!)


“We live in interesting times”



Good Luck to all! 

Nov 27, 2017 10:08AM
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