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Message: Comical: Decline of the American Empire

I am in Europe right now and took a jount through southern Poland and just returned also from a short visit into south-western Ukraine.
With the Greek debt not being solved ( I see it as Greeks not willing to tighten their belts and getting to work ) the above two countries are being painted by the same brush. I do not know much about the Ukrainian economy other than the country is very poor and what government run economy existed is in shambles or closed. NO jobs and youth is leaving for Poland and further west to find work. However Poland is doing well even by western European standards and doing substantial trade with Germany. Agricultural produce to Germany, manufactured products to Poland. Yes POland still has lower standards but it is improving, wish I could say same for all of southern Europe. Hence no excuse for Poland's currency to be punished by Greek problems.

OK back onto Greece. I hear comments in central Europe that Greeks have to be kicked out of EU. This is the common man talking in any neighbourhood bar. So how is it that the politicians do not have the common sense of the pub client?
Much of Europeans are unwilling to pay for Greek excesses and there is a fair chance that there will be no more bailouts for Greece if politicians listen to their constituents. Hence collapse is iminent. If Greece does not collapse the system then other and larger southern countries will.

I also hear more often in European media that the US is in worse state than Europe. Hence my comments here over the last months that readers here do not get side tracked by redirection to Europe.

For the record, I have moved a large portion of my assets to Europe because Euro is down now but I am betting/expecting EU to recover sooner. That and a bit of silver bullion and stocks is my safety blanket.

As for possible take over of AUM, some of you are using wrong logic. Take over is more possible with a depressed sp because any offer is more attractive if sp is depressed. No take over occurs at present trading price but with a precentage premium. The more depressed the sp the greater the offer percentage wise could be. Many funds would sell if the offer was double or tripple. They are in for locking in quick profits and moving on to the next play.

Low sp means time to average down and hope that any buyout does not occur until the sp recovers some.
Cheers, Ed.

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