Golden Peaks Resources HUB - AGORACOM

Drilling about to restart at La Fortuna, 1st resource calc being worked on

Message: Welcome back - looking forward to 2008

Welcome back - looking forward to 2008

posted on Jan 07, 2008 07:19AM

Welcome back after the holidays. Just simply in wait mode. The market got peaceful after the year-end selling dried up and the company offices were closed until today (coincidental with the local Vancouver school break).

We should have notification that drilling has restarted in a week or so and hopefully that they have secured a rig for the Cerro Delta.

With things having been shut down over the holidays, there isn't really anything new to report at the moment, but hopefully we will see some results from the property visits that occurred over November / December as well.

Have a good one everybody, it should be an interesting time coming up here for us all.

Leigh McBain

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