Re: Wrong way
in response to
posted on
Jan 25, 2008 10:54AM
Drilling about to restart at La Fortuna, 1st resource calc being worked on
I agree with Nodrog, in that the short term SP is not a priority for the company. They have spent their time and efforts focused on preparing things to be best suited for the majors, their engineers and their geologists, not for the stock market.
Where Nodrog and I disagree is on the importance of the short term SP. It will have little or no impact on the value placed on the project by a major and so has not been a priority for management. The priority is preparation for acquisition.
SP starts to play a more major role if the company has a need to do a financing or if it is a "play" and someone of significance is looking to get off their paper (like insiders usually do with Howe Street or BB plays). That is not the case here. The company does not need money (and won't for some time), they do not need to generate interest in doing a financing (they have that) and the insiders are not looking to come off their paper; they have been net buyers.
The SP / market value will turn the corner in due time (hopefully for all, that is not far off), but the business at hand is the preparation for acquisition and doing a financing, diluting the company and lossing control of a huge number of shares, is not in the best interest of the shareholders (at least not the ones here for the take-out).
We have just started to see things get spooled up again on the financial side of the equation after New Years with the meetings having gotten started again this week. Keiran was back in Canada for a few days and is now on route back to Argentina for just that reason.
Take a few deep breaths and let things unfold; everything appears to be on track from what I have been able to garner and although the SP has been lagging, it will catch up (IMO).
Leigh McBain