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Message: The "Oil Vaccuum" - Very Interesting on Oil Shale Extraction

The "Oil Vaccuum" - Very Interesting on Oil Shale Extraction

posted on Oct 26, 2008 10:24PM

The breakthrough that
could put oil refineries
out of business...

This tiny company's private technology refines crude oil as it's pulled out of the ground

And you can get in on it today for a potential 250% gain this year

Dear American Energy User,

Time called this one of its "Best Inventions of 2007."

I call it the "Oil Vacuum."

The U.S. Department of Energy says it could be the key to unlocking an oil deposit in the Rocky Mountains that's three times the size of Saudi Arabia's reserves.

I say it could make you $65,500 inside of a year.

What makes the "Oil Vacuum" so special?

It can actually refine oil as it's coming out of the ground. Let me tell you why that's such a big deal.

Chances are you already know America imports about two-thirds of the oil it uses.

But did you know this? We're also importing more than 18% of our refined oil products - gasoline, diesel and jet fuel!

That's right... U.S. refineries produce 16.9 million barrels of liquid fuel every day. But we use 20 million barrels per day. Imports have to make up the difference.

It's little wonder we're in such a fix. No new refinery has been built in the United States for the last three decades. And anytime a refinery shuts down for a fire or unscheduled maintenance (which is often), we rely on foreigners to pick up even more of the slack.

The Houston Chronicle - the local newspaper of America's energy patch - reports, "Gasoline imports are likely to be a permanent part of the nation's fuel supply."

But the "Oil Vacuum" could change all that... all the while returning you as much as 250% this year. A $5,000 investment becomes $17,500.

That's because the "Oil Vacuum" doesn't just refine oil as it's coming out of the ground. It could actually wean America off imported crude. Here's how...

  • Tapping into a mammoth American oil reserve equal to 3 Saudi Arabias
  • Reviving dry American oil wells that have sat abandoned for decades
  • Even transforming our trash into liquid fuel.

And you can get into the company that makes this prototype, right now, for under $3 per share.

One of the smartest guys I know - a Harvard-educated geologist who's parlayed his oil-prospecting skills into some very successful stock picks in the energy and natural resource sectors - has prepared a special report about this tiny company and its breakthrough technology. It's yours FREE for the asking.

The breakthrough involves a new use for something very familiar - in fact, the same thing you use to heat up a quick meal.

How the Microwave Oven (and a Tire Fire) Led to One of the Biggest Energy Breakthroughs in Decades

You might already be familiar with how microwave technology was discovered in the first place. But let me refresh your memory.

One day, shortly after World War II, a scientist at Raytheon working on radar technology noticed a candy bar starting to melt in his pocket. He quickly realized the radar was giving off microwaves at a frequency that heated up the chocolate. That was the jumping-off point for the development of the microwave oven that's a fixture of every modern kitchen.

And it's also what makes the "Oil Vacuum" work.

Here's the thing: Microwaves are like radio waves. They operate across a wide spectrum of frequencies -- more than 10 million. Your kitchen microwave operates within a very narrow spectrum of those frequencies to heat up a cold cup of coffee.

Find just the right frequency among those 10 million, and you can heat up just about anything under the sun.

Including things made of oil that have outlived their usefulness. They can actually be turned back into oil!

That's what dawned on a scientist in New Jersey one day in 1996 as he turned on the local news. He saw a giant tire fire at an illegal dump, belching acrid smoke for miles around.

What if, he wondered, instead of loading up our landfills with old tires, you could blast a tire with just the right microwave frequency to break it down into the materials it's made of -- including oil?

This was the beginning of the "Oil Vacuum."

So he set to work -- experimenting with different frequencies and seeing what would happen.

One thing that happened was something you've noticed if you ever accidentally put a fork or spoon into a microwave oven -- metal reacts with microwaves very badly. Tires have metal inside... and the early experiments caused a couple of small explosions!

It's oxygen that causes that. So the scientist quickly developed a way to put the whole microwaving process inside a vacuum.


How the "Oil Vacuum" Transforms Trash Into Fuel

After some additional refinements, he perfected a machine about the size of a phone booth that in minutes can transform a 14-inch tire into...

  • 1.2 gallons of diesel fuel
  • 50 cubic feet of combustible gas
  • 7.5 pounds of carbon black (useful for making everything from ink to athletic gear)
  • 2 pounds of high-strength steel.

And it's not just the tires from a junked car that the "Oil Vacuum" can transform into oil.

There are metal, plastics, rubber, foam... adding up to about 10% of the car's weight... all of which can be run through the "Oil Vacuum" and transformed into 80% combustible gases -- and 20% oil. With no emissions. And no pollution. The amount of waste that goes to a landfill is cut by 65%.

Now, I can hear you saying, "Wait a minute. There's a catch here. This microwaving process has to eat up nearly as much energy as it actually produces, right?"

Nope. In one hour, the "Oil Vacuum" can take 10 tons of automobile waste and generate enough energy to heat an average-sized house for more than 20 days. That's better than a 17-to-1 ratio of energy produced to energy consumed!

Or if you want to look at it strictly in dollars and cents... the "Oil Vacuum" uses 50 cents of electricity to produce $5 worth of fuel and other products.

The "Oil Vacuum" Will Produce Oil This Year. . .
Imagine the Profit Potential

The "Oil Vacuum" isn't some vague concept that's still years away. The tiny company whose scientist developed it has signed contracts for its machines to go into use this year.

In fact, an auto recycler in New York State will be using it. And a California firm will build a brand-new tire recycling plant in Arizona, built exclusively around the "Oil Vacuum." It'll process 60,000 pounds of tires every day.

And if automotive scrap can be transformed into oil, so can lots of other things.

That's why the U.S. military is thinking about using the "Oil Vacuum" in Iraq -- transforming water bottles and food containers into useable fuel. For a military that burns through 1,700,000 gallons of fuel every day in Iraq, every little drop counts -- especially if it means that fuel doesn't have to be trucked in from Kuwait or flown in from even farther away.

But let's say, for argument's sake, that the military doesn't bite. Let's just say that the "Oil Vacuum" is never used for anything other than recycling tires and other automotive waste. (That's nearly impossible, as I'll show you in a bit... but I want to make conservative projections here.)

Every year in this country, we throw away 290 million tires. With 1.2 gallons of oil inside each tire, and 42 gallons in a barrel of oil, that's 8.29 million barrels of oil.

With oil priced at $140 per barrel, that's $1.16 billion worth of oil getting thrown away this year.

The company's current net worth is $61.8 million. (I told you it was a tiny company.)

If it could book the oil profits from just half of the tires that get thrown away each year... it would be set to return you 679%.

How many times have you booked a gain of 679%?

But stay with me here. As I'm about to show you... there are two other ways the "Oil Vacuum" can be put to work that could prove to be even more lucrative.

America's Stranded Oil Reserve: How up to 70% of Oil in a
Well Goes Untapped. . . Until the "Oil Vacuum" Goes to Work

Millions upon millions of barrels of oil lie stranded beneath existing oil wells in the continental United States. Current drilling technology just can't reach it.

But the microwave technology that the "Oil Vacuum" uses to recover oil from old tires can also harness the power of worn-out wells. They lie all over the country, and they've been written off for decades. By themselves, they could potentially add several hundred years to America's oil supply.

Before I go any further, I'd better explain something.

When an oil well runs dry, it's not as if all the oil under the drilling rig has been sucked out.

In the early years of oil field development, a well might have run dry... but up to 90% of the oil was still down there. The drill just couldn't get to it. So it was abandoned.

Over the decades, the technology's become more sophisticated. (The geologist and stock-picker I told you about earlier worked hands-on with that technology.) So drilling rigs have been able to recover progressively more oil. But still... the U.S. Department of Energy says even the most advanced techniques leave behind as much as 70% of the "original oil in place." Even with oil prices at record highs, it's just not economically viable to squeeze any more out of these abandoned wells.

Snagging the 70% of Oil "Left Behind"

But what if even more advanced technology came along that could tap into this "stranded" oil reserve beneath our feet?

Enter the "Oil Vacuum."

The device is dropped down that abandoned well... and then the microwaves go to work. They heat up the oil to a temperature at which it can be easily extracted from the surrounding rock... in a way that no technology that came before could pull off.

And here's a bonus... The microwaving process actually changes the chemical structure of the oil so that it's transformed into useable fuel right at the wellhead.

Think of it as on-the-spot refining!

901% Profit Potential -- Conservatively Estimated

So you're wondering, just how many of these wells are there in the United States... and how much oil lies beneath?

No one knows exactly.

After all, commercial oil production in this country dates back almost 150 years now. Record keeping hasn't always been as meticulous as it is today... and estimates of "original oil in place" vary wildly.

But let me give you some concrete figures from the recent past to give you some perspective.

In just a 10-year span -- 1994-2003 -- about 143,000 oil wells in the United States were plugged and abandoned.

The Department of Energy figures that beneath those wells alone lie 110 million barrels of crude oil yet to be tapped.

Now... Let's just say our company's vacuum technology is good for capturing only 1/20th of that oil. That's still 5.5 million barrels.

If this company booked the oil profits from that 5.5 million barrels, that would translate to a gain of 901%.

Again, that's an extremely conservative estimate. The "Oil Vacuum" could pull out much more from those wells.

And that's not taking into account all the wells that were abandoned before 1993. Nor does it account for the 420,000 wells across America known as "stripper" wells. They're still producing oil, but just barely.

They're on their very last legs, using conventional drilling technology -- producing 10 barrels or less per day. Imagine what could happen if the "Oil Vacuum" were unleashed on those wells.

Still... I'm just getting started. Because not only is the "Oil Vacuum" about to begin extracting a bonanza from trash and old tires... Not only does it have the potential to revive hundreds of thousands of dead and dying oil wells across the country...

It could be the key to unlocking an energy source trapped beneath America's Western desert -- a reserve equal to three times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia.

I'm talking, of course, about the oil shale beneath the desert lands of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

I can almost hear you now: "Shale? Big deal."

Look, I understand if you're skeptical.

I've heard all the stories about shale, just like you. I remember Jimmy Carter talking about it during the '70s oil shocks. I totally understand if you think it's pie in the sky and it'll never happen.

You're not alone. There's even an old joke that goes around in Colorado -- "Oil shale is the energy of the future -- and always will be."

But hear me out... This is for real. Let me tell you why oil shale has been a pipe dream till now... and why this time is different. It's all about how you extract the useable fuel from the shale... and why the "Oil Vacuum" could turn out to be the only way to make it happen.

How the "Oil Vacuum" Could Finally Make a
Century-long Dream Come True

To refresh your memory, oil shale is a kind of rock that contains tiny deposits of a chemical compound called kerogen. When the rock is heated up, the kerogen releases petroleum-like liquids.

Efforts to squeeze out those liquids go back almost 100 years now... when the U.S. Navy was looking for fuel to power its fleet during World War I. Back then, the idea was to scrape the shale from the Earth's surface to recover the oil.

That meant basically strip mining the shale... ripping it from the Earth, hauling it away, then crushing it and heating it up -- huge amounts of shale to get small amounts of oil. No one could do it profitably, and the few experiments that did take place did horrible environmental damage.

Fast-forward to today. Some of the major oil companies like Shell think they've got it figured out. They want to heat up the shale without actually stripping it from the Earth's surface. Heating up the shale heats up the kerogen, which can then be brought above ground for refining.

The process involves sticking drills 2,000 feet into the Earth's surface and slow-cooking the shale to 650 degrees Fahrenheit for up to three years.

Yes, you have to wait as long as three years to get the oil out.

Sound implausible? You bet. Because not only is the kerogen heated up, so is the shale in which the kerogen is trapped.

Production of a mere 100,000 barrels of oil per day would use up to $500 million worth of electricity every year. That would take a power plant big enough to serve a city of 500,000 people. The plant would burn through 5 million tons of coal every year.

All that to produce 100,000 barrels per day -- enough to supply just seven minutes of American consumption.

Oh, and it still doesn't solve the environmental problem... If you heat up the kerogen along with the surrounding shale, you're also heating up nasty, toxic stuff like arsenic and selenium that could end up in the Colorado River basin and foul the water supply of the entire U.S. Southwest.

But... what if there were a way to heat up the kerogen without expending the energy to heat up the surrounding rock too?

Anyone who did that would hold the key to making oil shale profitable for the very first time. And the tiny company with the "Oil Vacuum" is about to unlock the door.

The "Oil Vacuum" Could Finally Make Shale Oil Profitable, Pulling up to 800 Billion Barrels out of the Ground

Here's what makes the "Oil Vacuum" such a breakthrough.

By pulsing microwaves through the shale, the "Oil Vacuum" heats up the kerogen while the shale rock stays nice and cool. Then, much the same way as it works with abandoned oil wells, the "Oil Vacuum" pulls out the kerogen almost effortlessly. That takes a lot less electricity!

It processes shale at the rate of 5 tons per hour... at a cost of just $150.

And there's no three-year wait to get the oil out of the ground. With the "Oil Vacuum," it's just a month or two.

Even better... the "Oil Vacuum" not only makes it economic to extract kerogen from oil shale... It actually transforms the kerogen into useful fuel at the same time.

Once again, it's like on-the-spot refining!

In fact, here's exactly what you get once the "Oil Vacuum" does its thing with shale:

  • 26% gasoline
  • 30% diesel and kerosene
  • 44% lube and fuel oil.

Why the Company Developing the "Oil Vacuum"
Is on the Edge of a Breakthrough Deal

Executives from oil services companies have already come knocking at the door of the "Oil Vacuum" developer. Oil services firms are the specialized companies that don't own oil fields themselves. Instead, they help the companies that do own the fields maximize their production.

So it's just a matter of time before the "Oil Vacuum" is licensed to one of these companies -- maybe even one of the "Big Three" in the oil services field

There's no telling how high this company's stock will go once that happens. But in a few moments, I'll give you a rough guess.

Just a few weeks ago, our "Oil Vacuum" company signed an exclusive deal with a Canadian firm to develop shale deposits in that country. So it won't be long before the "Oil Vacuum" could prove to the world that oil can be produced from shale profitably.


How Much Money Could You Make?

Now... just as I did with the estimates surrounding the abandoned oil wells, I want to use some very conservative estimates of the profit potential here... But again, I think you'll be mighty impressed.

There are 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil locked inside Western U.S. shale. (That's a midrange estimate; the high end is 1.1 trillion.) Let's say, for argument's sake, that the "Oil Vacuum" is good to recover only a tiny fraction of it -- 1 out of every 100,000 barrels.

But even that tiny fraction would be phenomenal. If this company booked the oil profits from just 8 million barrels, that would translate to profits of 1,310%.

Again, that's 1,310% if the technology winds up more or less a bust. Imagine if the amount of oil is just double my very conservative estimate. Or triple.

The profit potential is absolutely boundless.

And you can see it all for yourself in a FREE special report called The Under $4 Stock Set to Make You 679% as It Turns Old Tires Back Into Oil.

I'll tell you how to download your copy -- with absolutely no obligation -- in just a few moments.

This report's been prepared just for you by a Harvard-trained oil field geologist... who happens to have an excellent eye for small, undiscovered natural resource companies on the brink of huge breakthroughs. These are the kinds of companies set to thrive in an era when oil costs $140 -- or more -- per barrel... and gold costs $900 -- or more -- per ounce.

In fact, finding these companies is a labor of love for Byron King.

A Formidable Track Record -- Focused Now on Small Resource Firms Ready for Quick, Explosive Gains

You might already know Byron as a contributor to the free daily e-letter Whiskey & Gunpowder... and as editor of Outstanding Investments, the newsletter named twice by Hulbert Financial Digest as the best-performing investment letter over a five-year period.

Outstanding Investments has delivered its readers outstanding returns in the natural resource sector, year after year, like these...

  • 162% on Intrepid Minerals
  • 151% on Wheaton River Minerals
  • 668% on Metallica Resources
  • 332% on Glamis Gold
  • 263% on Coeur d'Alene Mines
  • 228% on Niko Resources
  • 182% on Talisman Energy
  • 160% on Western Oil Sands
  • 147% on BG Group
  • 177% on Coeur d'Alene Mines (again!).

And those are just the closed positions. The open positions? Out of fairness to the existing readership, I can't share the names of the companies with you, but here's a look at just some of what's currently in the Outstanding Investments portfolio of recommendations...

  • 111% on a silver producer
  • 118% on a cement producer
  • 123% on a coal company
  • 133% on an engineering company
  • 141% on a small oil firm
  • 144% on a gold miner
  • 253% on an oil and gas producer
  • 396% on an oil refiner
  • 540% on a very well-managed gold fund
  • 645% on a Canadian oil sands firm.

As you might expect, a track record like that has generated a lot of friendly feedback. Here's what a small sample of Outstanding Investments readers have written:

"Booked $18,000 in Pure Profits"
I dumped [shares of your Anderson's recommendation] all at $123, after entering at $105 per your suggestion. I bought 1,000 shares... any questions?!

- R. Garrison

"You're the Best!"
Perhaps a Nobel Prize for resource trading should be awarded.

- D. Dunham

"Profits of 560% and 652%... I'm up $45,000!"
Our financial year runs July-June, and so far, I am up some $45,000.
On Monday, I sold for a profit of 560%. This morning, it was my birthday and you gave me the greatest birthday present I have ever had (financially) -- a profit of 652%...

- G. Carlson

"Very Pleased..."
Boy, do you guys know how to pick 'em. It's nice to find a buy-and-hold newsletter that delivers.

- K. Southland

Byron's been more than pleased to be a part of this. But it's also been a source of frustration. Let me explain...

You see, in the course of his exhaustive research for Outstanding Investments, he comes across a good deal of promising companies -- companies with huge potential for quick triple-digit gains -- that he simply can't recommend to his readership.

They're just too small, too illiquid. If Byron recommended them to his 42,000 Outstanding Investments readers, the stock price could be quickly bid up 10-fold... only to wind up crashing below their original levels.

That wouldn't be good for his readers -- or his reputation.

But... what if he could recommend these shares to an elite membership? The kind of people willing to take on perhaps a little more risk with lesser-known firms... in exchange for quick triple-digit upside potential?

That's where Byron's new premium research service, Energy & Scarcity Investor, comes in.

Energy & Scarcity Investor fills a critical niche for people like you who see enormous potential in the natural resource sector... and seek opportunities for the most explosive gains possible.

The kind of gains available in Byron's FREE special report The Under $4 Stock Set to Make You 679% as It Turns Old Tires Back Into Oil is really just the beginning.

At the end of this letter, I'll show you how to get Byron's recommendations for a total of seven tiny up-and-coming companies in the energy and natural resource sectors that all have the potential to deliver triple-digit gains -- every one of them FREE for your review, with no obligation.

In fact, let me tell you about five of them right now.

"China Lake" Energy -- The Navy's "Secret" Power Source That's Helping Us Keep the Lights On

You've already seen how the U.S. Navy led the way in trying to develop oil shale.

But the Navy has also been key to developing another source of energy -- one that could prove essential to keeping our stressed-out electrical grid from falling apart. In fact, we can't may not be able to avoid more disasters like the great blackout in the U.S. Northeast in 2003 without this source.

I call it "China Lake Energy."

Its epicenter is a top-secret site 113 miles northeast of Los Angeles, code-named "China Lake -- Navy One." It sits behind barbed wire. Armed guards with machine guns stand watch. Armed naval patrols fly overhead.

But civilians tap into this "secret" energy source too. And you can tap into it for profits of up to $372,340.

The story begins decades ago, when a geologist named Carl F. Austin published a report for the Navy. It spelled out how the Navy could draw on this secret power source to power its entire naval weapons testing base in California.

Navy leaders blew it off at the time. After all, conventional fuel sources to power the base were cheap. They filed away Austin's report, intending to pull it out only in case of emergency.

With oil at $140 per barrel, the emergency has arrived. And the Navy has put Austin's ideas to work at China Lake.

If you stood in the middle of China Lake, you'd have no idea that an ancient and powerful energy source was beneath your feet. The Earth would feel no warmer than anywhere else.

You see, China Lake sits atop the Coso Hot Springs, one of the hottest land masses in the country. So the Navy, along with a private firm called CalEnergy, developed a three-stage process to bring that heat energy out of the ground.

They drill a hole into the Earth, deep into an area where temperatures reach 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Then they pump water into the hole, boiling the water and producing steam. The steam then powers a turbine to produce electricity.

"China Lake Energy" is clean -- generating three times less carbon dioxide than our cleanest fossil fuel, natural gas. And it's renewable -- because unlike fossil fuels, certain "hot spots" like the area under China Lake will always generate heat.

The Navy's Secret Put to Civilian Use --
and Your Chance for $372,340

Right now, "China Lake Energy" is being used at a host of "hot spots" across the country to produce electricity for civilian use. A handful of penny-stock companies lead the way.

How can I say with such confidence that these companies could make you $372,340?

Well, consider this: MSNBC reports that "China Lake Energy" production could soon equal that of all 104 nuclear power plants in the U.S.

Decades ago, when nuclear plants were first coming online, energy investors rushed in. And nuclear companies are generating outrageous profits for shareholders:

  • Entergy Corp. of New Orleans has run up 385% in recent years
  • Dominion has raced up 127%
  • Cameco Corp. (a uranium miner) has returned 721%.

Say you bought just 500 shares of each of these companies when nuclear power was coming into widespread use. You'd make $93,904 in pure profits.

If you'd taken a more substantial stake -- 2,000 shares -- you'd be looking at $372,340.

Byron says that's the sort of potential that lies in "China Lake Energy" right now.

And he wants to tell you all about it in another FREE special report, called The Five "China Lake Energy" Companies That Could Make You $372,340.

Every one of these companies has explosive triple-digit potential -- the sort of potential that could be had with nuclear power in days gone by.

  • "China Lake Energy" Play #1: Take advantage of this company's 20-year exclusive deal. This company owns the rights to a site in Idaho that could eventually power 110,000 electric customers. Investors in this producer logged a gain of 252.7% during 2007. And the firm is working to bring a second site online, with what it calls "the potential for prolific production"

  • "China Lake Energy" Play #2: Another 20-year exclusive deal. This firm in Nevada just struck an exclusive 20-year agreement to power 24,000 homes in Nevada. It delivered investors a 108% return during 2007. And the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded this company a $1.25 million grant to begin extracting energy from a second site

  • "China Lake Energy" Play #3: 70,000 acres of "hot spots" waiting to be tapped. This company owns rights to 15 locations in California and Nevada totaling 70,000 acres. It returned 82% during 2007. Four of its sites are already in development

  • "China Lake Energy" Play #4: Access to 277,000 power customers in Latin America. This tiny dynamo expects just one "hot spot" south of the border to generate enough power for 277,000 people. And like the first two companies I mentioned, it recently signed an exclusive 20-year contract

  • "China Lake Energy" Play #5: The best of the bunch. I'm saving the best for last here. This company is an industry leader, with two major "hot spot" projects in the works. One is about 75 miles north of San Francisco, and it's the largest active energy-producing field in the world. The other is in British Columbia, and estimates show it could power 80,000 homes in western Canada. It delivered a hefty return of 150% during 2007.

Let's say you devoted a portion of your portfolio to equal amounts of each of these stocks. A tiny stake of just $1,000 in each of these companies at the start of 2007 would have delivered you $5,885 in pure profit by year-end.

But you don't have to buy a stake anywhere near that big to start collecting the big percentage returns. Every one of these companies can be yours for under $2.50 per share. A couple of them can be had for less than a buck.

Byron can't wait to tell you all about them in the FREE special report he's prepared for you, called The Five "China Lake Energy" Companies That Could Make You $372,340.

It's yours absolutely FREE, with no obligation... along with your other FREE report, The Under $4 Stock Set to Make You 679% as It Turns Old Tires Back Into Oil.

Just one heads-up, so you know what you're getting into. To buy some of these shares, you need access to the Canadian exchanges. It's not hard... Just talk with your broker about it. But I want to be absolutely upfront with you, because as I've pointed out already, these are penny stocks, thinly traded at times... and they're not for everyone.

But somehow, if you've gotten this far along in this letter, I think you have the mindset that's ready for the sort of big moves that can make you 82%, 150%, even 252.7% in just a year. I'll tell you how to download your copies of these reports in just a moment. But that's only after I tell you about one more opportunity Byron doesn't want you to overlook.

Free Silver From the Canadian Government --
Your Last Chance to Cash in on the Klondike Gold Rush

Think of the words "gold rush," and chances are you think of either California in 1849... or the Klondike in Canada's far north in 1898.

But that's all history, right? Your chance to cash in was over long before you were born.

Well, I'm about to change your mind on that.

In fact, there's a minimum of 20 million ounces of silver in the Klondike still to be had -- free, courtesy of the Canadian government.

It's true, the gold rush in Canada's Yukon Territory petered out after about only seven years at the turn of the last century. Prospectors and miners dug up $95 million in gold after men with colorful names like Skookum Jim and Dawson Charlie made the first discovery along the Klondike River.

But silver production continued for decades afterward. Miners dug up over 217 million ounces of silver in a region called Keno Hill -- until the collapse of metals prices in the 1980s made it unprofitable.

The silver that's still there has remained untapped for the better part of two decades. And all the while, the mines became an environmental hazard -- and a big expensive headache for Canada's government.

On April 18, 2006, the Canadian government rid itself of the problem. It agreed to pay a small environmental company $50 million to clean up the mines... and the company gets to keep all the silver it can dig up, absolutely free.

This company's CEO is confident his people will find 20 million ounces of silver in just one part of the vast Keno Hill complex.

Even if 20 million ounces is all this company ever finds -- doubtful, given the size of the region -- that could mean a safe 71% rise in the stock price. And I'm not even factoring in the cash flow of those $50 million in payments direct from the Canadian government.

Shares of this stock, too, can be had for not a lot of money. Right now, they're trading for less than $4.50.

You can learn the name and ticker symbol of this stock in a third FREE special report Byron's prepared for you. This one's called The "Keno Hill Penny Stock" Secret to Collecting Free Silver From the Canadian Government.

I'd like you to review this report, too, with absolutely no obligation... along with the two other FREE reports I've mentioned, detailing the opportunities in "China Lake Energy" and the "Oil Vacuum."

There's only one thing I'd like to ask in return...

Try Energy & Scarcity Investor -- FREE for up to three months.

A one-year membership in Energy & Scarcity Investor comes with a long list of exclusive benefits:

  • FREE Special Report #1: The Under $4 Stock Set to Make You 679% as It Turns Old Tires Back into Oil -- with the full story of the "Oil Vacuum" and how it could revolutionize our energy future

  • FREE Special Report #2: The Five "China Lake Energy" Companies That Could Make You $372,340 -- naming five companies set to return enormous profits on "China Lake" energy

  • FREE Special Report #3: The "Keno Hill Penny Stock" Secret to Collecting Free Silver From the Canadian Government -- identifying the one precious metals play you can't afford to leave out of your portfolio

  • Monthly issues of Energy & Scarcity Investor. Every month, Byron identifies at least one investment opportunity in little-known but high-potential natural resource companies -- every one of them with the chance for high triple-digit gains

  • Weekly e-mail updates from Byron, direct to your inbox every Friday. No need to set up Google alerts to follow any news about your positions. That's Byron's job. If it matters, he'll let you know. And if it matters that you learn about it before Friday, he'll get the word to you in an instant e-mail alert

  • Members-only, password-protected access to the Energy & Scarcity Investor Web site, where you can follow Byron's entire portfolio with just a couple clicks of your mouse -- including three investment recommendations still below his buy-up-to price.

If you're not a subscriber already, I'll give you a FREE subscription to the shocking e-letter Whiskey & Gunpowder - one of the most colorful, controversial and insightful sources out there for insight on economics, politics and resource investing.

On top of that, you'll get exclusive, elite access to the Agora Financial Executive Series. The Executive Series is a members-only dispatch of two profit-laden e-mails, the Rude Awakening and the 5 Min. Forecast. These dailies will alert you to specific investment research and recommendations from across the entire world of investments that Agora Financial covers.

I think I've made it clear by now that Energy & Scarcity Investor is a premium research service -- geared toward people like you who are willing to invest in little-known penny stocks in the natural resource sector with potential for enormous upside in a short amount of time.

A service like this can't come cheap. I mean, just based on the returns of the five "China Lake Energy" companies last year, I could easily charge $5,000 per year for this service. After all, a stake of only $1,000 each would cover the entire membership cost! And the "Oil Vacuum" could cover your membership for more than five years -- turning a $1,000 stake into as much as $28,900.

But $5,000 isn't anywhere near what you'll pay.

A one-year membership in Energy & Scarcity Investor is $1,495.

I think you'd agree that's more than a fair price for Byron's exhaustive research... Just ferreting out the "China Lake Energy" companies took over 36,000 miles of travel. Identifying the "Keno Hill" silver opportunity took 2 1/2 months of research. And sensing the opportunity of the "Oil Vacuum" took, literally, a lifetime of experience, when you take into account Byron's Harvard geology degree and his hands-on experience in the oil industry.

I've said time and again throughout this letter that there's absolutely no obligation that comes with your FREE reports. And I mean it.

So here's my guarantee to you: Give Energy & Scarcity Investor a try. If after 90 days you decide it's not for you, I'll cheerfully refund every penny you paid for it.

It's that simple.

Take 90 days to study the FREE special reports, the monthly issues, the weekly e-mail updates, the members-only Web site. Follow along with Byron's recommendations.

If at the end of those 90 days, you're not absolutely convinced of the enormous profit potential that comes with a membership in Energy & Scarcity Investor, all you have to do is pick up the phone and ask for your money back. Even after those 90 days are up, you can call and get a prorated refund for the unused portion of your membership. You'll get the toll-free number to call at the same time you get your FREE special reports. You can keep those special reports and all your issues, with our compliments. There's nothing to lose.

But I wouldn't be making an offer like that if I weren't sure you'll be pleased with the profitable analysis you can get only from Byron and Energy & Scarcity Investor. So please, don't wait another minute. Not when the "Oil Vacuum" will be actually producing liquid fuel this year.

To your wealth,

Joseph Schriefer
Energy & Scarcity Investor
May 5, 2008

P.S. Byron's just completed another report about a tiny company that produces "rare earths." These are metals you've probably never heard of... but without them, modern life as we know it would shut down. And this firm is one of the few producers of "rare earths" in the world.

As soon as you become a member of Energy & Scarcity Investor, you can access this report on our password-protected Web site. That's in addition to the three FREE special reports revealing the secret of the "Oil Vacuum" and six other extraordinary energy and natural resource plays.

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