Welcome To Gran Colombia Gold Corp (GCM.TO) HUB On AGORACOM

Frank Holmes: "the most undervalued pure gold stock in the GDXJ ETF."

Message: Donald East

was the latest insider buyer, he bought 70k shares at 57 cents over the last 2 days.

I talked to the company about the delays in banking loan confirmation. They said that it should be out in next week or so, only paper work left to do. However, I will be happy when this is done as this delay is making me a little uncomfortable. I do not know what the implications would be if they failed to get access to this $100M. The money is half the issue, the other of course is what due diligence did that bank do that made them change their mind. Hoping I am over reacting here, I probably am but will be happy when this is done.


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