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Guyana Goldfields is a mineral exploration Company primarily focused on the exploration and development of gold deposits in the Guiana Shield of South America.

Message: Guyana Goldfields reports Robust Projected Economics...

Guyana Goldfields reports Robust Projected Economics...

posted on Oct 09, 2009 11:01AM

Guyana Goldfields reports Robust Projected Economics from Preliminary Assessment for the Aurora Gold Projec

Friday , 09 Oct 2009 Guyana Goldfields

Guyana Goldfields Inc. (TSX: GUY) ("Guyana" or the"Company") is pleased to announce the on-schedule completion of a positive NI43-101compliant Preliminary Assessment ("PA") for the Aurora Gold Project by AMEC ofOakville, Ontario.

An interim summary called "Summary of PA Key Findings" is postedon the Company's website at www.guygold.com.

The final PA NI43-101 TechnicalReport will be submitted within the required 45-day period and made available on Sedarand the Company website.The PA is the first phase of a two-phase Definitive Feasibility Study. Phase 2 will takeplace from August 2009 to March 2010 and conclude with the submission of theDefinitive Feasibility Study.


 The proposed mine plan calls for the production of more than 4 million ounces of gold

 Guyana's project economics at today's gold price of US$ 950 per oz show a pretaxIRR of 27%, NPV of US$ 678 million at a discount rate of 7% per year, and apayback of 3.9 years with a pre-tax cash flow of US$ 1.64 billion (AMEC's basecase results are shown below under the heading "Economics").

 An engineering solution which addresses potential flooding has been designedand consists of an embankment along the riverKey Findings of the PAGeology & Resource Estimate

 A resource estimate was completed using revised cut-off grades in both the openpit and the underground mine, 0.85 grams per tonne (g/T) and 2.0 g/Trespectively; the indicated resource is 24.1 million tonnes at 4.1 g/T for 3.2million ounces and the inferred resource is 12.9 million tonnes at 3.3 g/T for 1.4million ounces


 The proposed design is based on a combination of surface and undergroundmining; the mine would start as an open pit and the conceptual design of a singlepit is progressing; underground mining would follow with access through bothramps and a main shaft; preferred mining methods have been selected

 The open pit tonnage in the proposed mine plan is 17.9 million tonnes at anaverage grade of 2.8 g/T, while the underground tonnage is 18.1 million tonnes atan average grade of 4.5 g/T


 The mineralized material is mainly non-refractory sulphides (hard rock) with asmall portion of oxides (saprolite) near surface calling for conventional goldmilling with recoveries above 95%

 A process flow which incorporates a Semi-Autogenous Grinding (SAG) and ballmill combination as well as gravity and Carbon In Pulp (CIP) circuits has beendesigned and key equipment has been identified

 Average throughput (for the first 9 years) - 8,000 tonnes per day Total gold produced - 4.0 million ounces

 Average annual gold production - 250,000 ounces (based on 16 full years ofproduction)Water Management

 River embankment - the design and engineering of an embankment (river dyke) iswell advanced; this dyke is designed to protect a small area of the northernportion of the site from potential flooding during exceptional events

 Surface water - an extensive surface water management system, includingdrainage, ponds and diversion ditches, is being designed and engineered tomanage and control surface water in a tropical environmentLogistics & Infrastructure

 On-site infrastructure - conceptual design is advanced; this includes a main gate,new airstrip, roads and accommodationsSchedule Development & Construction - 2 years (2010-2012)

 First year of open pit production - 2012

 Open pit life - 9 years (2012-2020)

 First year of underground production - 2015

 Underground life - 14 years (2015-2028)

 Total mine life - 17 years (2012-2028) - 16 full years of production


 Capital expenditures

 Pre-production development (surface & open pit) - US$ 262M

 Surface equipment - US$ 21M

 Underground development - US$ 147M

 U/G equipment - US$ 10M

 Sustaining (includes closure) - US$ 80M

 Operating Cash Costs of US$ 364 per oz3

 AMEC's base case project economics, at a gold price of US$ 750 per oz, show apre-tax IRR of 16.3%, NPV of US$ 236 million at a discount rate of 8% per year,and a payback of 6.0 years with a pre-tax undiscounted cash flow of US$ 878millionGuyana is also providing the following update:Off-site Infrastructure

 Port and Road - design includes a small port facility and an access roadextension; wharf and pier design as well as a secured lay-down area for the port iscomplete; options on the 40-km extension of the existing road are under study

 Hydropower dam - site topographical survey is in progressEnvironmental & Social Impact Assessment ("ESIA") and Permitting

 Studies related to the ESIA are largely complete

 Permitting process is proceeding well; a Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment was submitted to the Guyanese Environmental Protection Agency inJune 2009

Claude F. Lemasson, the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Guyana, states"The on-schedule completion of this major milestone with a positive PA further demonstrates the robustness of the Aurora Gold Project. It confirms the high-grade natureof the open pit and a gold production target above 4 million ounces in a mining-friendlyjurisdiction. In addition, there is significant potential in increasing the resource base overthe near term. This sets a clear and solid framework around the highly profitable worldclassgold mine that we plan on building at Aurora."

The critical advancement of the Aurora project during this pre-development phase willcontinue with extensive drilling in the next 7 months, completion of the ESIA in Q42009, completion of the Hydropower Feasibility Study in Q1 2010, the issue of the Permit to build and operate the mine, as well as the completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study by AMEC in Q1 2010.

The Aurora Gold Project, located in north central Guyana in South America, is a multimillionounce gold discovery being advanced through key studies leading to the start ofconstruction in 2010.AMEC employees Richard Kilpatrick P.Geo (Geology), Jeff Smith P.Geo. (Resources),Benny Zhang P.Eng. (Mining), Lionel Magumbe P.Eng (Process), and Xiaogang Hu4P.Eng. (Geotechnical and Water Management) are the AMEC "Qualified Persons" for thePurposes of National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ofthe Canadian Securities Administrators, executing the PA NI43-101 Technical Report and confirm that they have reviewed the information contained within this release.Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability (NI43-101/3.4(e)).

The preliminary assessment includes inferred mineralresources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economicconsiderations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineralreserves, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized (NI43-101/2.3(3bi)).

AMEC is an international project management and services company with Canadian operational headquarters in Oakville, Ontario. AMEC's Mining & Metals unit provides a full range of services to the mining industry, including strategic planning and market assessments, resource and reserve estimation and auditing, mine planning and design,feasibility studies, process development, environmental services, simulations,geotechnical, engineering design, procurement, project and construction management,plant start-up and commissioning, operator training and mine support services.

Claude F. Lemasson, P.Eng., MBA, President & Chief Operating Officer of GuyanaGoldfields Inc., is a professional engineer with 20 years of experience in miningconstruction and operations. Prior to joining Guyana, he was Goldcorp's GeneralManager of Projects for Canada and U.S. and the Mine General Manager of the Red Lakemine from 2000 to 2006.

He is also a graduate of the prestigious Kellogg-SchulichExecutive MBA program, where he gained international perspectives on global strategicmanagement and decision-making.About Guyana Goldfields Inc.Guyana Goldfields Inc. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company primarilyfocused on the exploration and development of gold deposits in Guyana, South Americawhere the Company has operated since 1996.

The Company is currently undertakingtechnical studies to advance and develop the Aurora Project in Guyana. As at the datehereof, the Company has approximately $26 million in cash and short-term bankguaranteed investment certificates and no debt.

For further information, contact:Mr. Claude F. Lemasson, President & COO or Ms. Jacqueline Wagenaar, Director of Investor Relations



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