I live in Quebec and having been watching, with great concern, the developments in the last few years regarding energy in Ontario.Specifically the incredible mismanagement of the Ontario power supply/grid and related production and delivery systems.The Provincial Liberal government’s single minded intent to go as green as possible, as quickly as possible, has produced huge distortions in the costs of provincial power delivered at the consumer level.There are a myriad of details behind what I just said and can be left for another discussion.
One area which involves solar energy is the use of ammonia to store power from solar cells and reuse it later for transportation, heating, or conversion back to electricity as needed.The current Ontario government has paid little to no attention to these developments regarding ammonia.IMO it is because this green technology is so clean and simple that it would replace traditional sources of energy or energy delivery. The direct consequence would be a sharp reduction in taxes to provincial government coffers and rendering moot all of the misguided efforts to “go green” using state control methods.
A push to implement an ammonia based green solution would be an huge advantage to solar cell producing companies and the suppliers of silicon to those producers, e.g. HPQ.Imagine every home having a myriad of solar panels that are dedicated to producing ammonia.All of these houses could conceivably come off the power grid and stop using gasoline/diesel for their cars and trucks.
See the link below for details on ammonia as a “green energy” fuel.