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Message: Fancamp Exploration

Hi Bernard, Patrick and all the other contributors to this forum,


Though I own a few shares of HPQ I'm a very sporadic visitor to Agoracom, and would like to begin by thanking everyone (and especially Bernard and Patrick) for their very erudite, knowledgeable and courteous comments.


More specifically, and perhaps somewhat in connection with the comments under the topic "Market Activity", I've noticed that Fancamp Exploration has been continuously dumping their shares for quite some time now. Over the last year or so they must have sold at least a couple of million shares. Moreover, they dont care what prices they sell at.


So the questions are

(1) Why is Fancamp selling? If this is such a hot project with so much positive upside and potential, would it not make more sense to hang on to their shares for a little while longer.

(2) What is the connection with Fancamp? How did they come about owning so many shares.

(3) Why is Fancamp no longer an Insider? According to INK they ceased being an insider on 17 May.


My apologies if others already know the answers to these questions, but I'm a relative newcomer and really curious why anyone (Fancamp) would sell a good thing. 


Many thanks to Bernard and Patrick, or anyone else that has an answer, for a frank, honest and candid reply.





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