Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: INTERVIEW: HPQ Discusses MOU with Big Data Enterprise Blockchain Solution Developer to Develop a Carbon Credit Marketplace for Solar Carbon Credits

Re: INTERVIEW: HPQ Discusses MOU with Big Data Enterprise Blockchain Solution Developer to Develop a Carbon Credit Marketplace for Solar Carbon Credits

posted on Apr 07, 2018 11:28PM

Cut capex cost by 90% (vs.industry standard)

Cut CO2 emissions by >75% (vs.industry standard)


“It was the right opportunity for us (HPQ) to partner up with an expert in the back office of the block chain operation. That will allow us (HPQ) to focus on what is our strength, and our strength is our (HPQ) PUREVAP process that we are developing with Pyro(genesis) and Apollon, which will allow us to transform quartz, which is a low value material that's only worth $0.05/kg into a solar cell that's something that sells at $51/kg equivalent and at the same time people buying our solar cells will be able to have a certificate that tells them how green the process (from quartz to cell) is, nobody else in the industry is doing this right now.”


“Governments are dictating all over the world that the carbon that you produce during a process, you have to pay for....

If our process is significantly less or produces no carbon emissions (compared to industry standard), then we gain what is known as a carbon credit. Those carbon credits have a value, they are not easy to monetize, but they have a value and its a value that is going to keep going up with time as more and more industries that are polluting will need those carbon credits.”


“Our process, our internal numbers tells us that within less than a year, and even if we pull off a few things we are working on with Pyro(genesis) much less than that ( <1 year), you will be green instantly.”


“The short term cost we have to pay right now (industry standard) is extremely high, The best way to deal with that issue is to make it visible transparent traceable. Don't kid yourself,within a few years, this will become mandatory and the standard. I've been told by my friends at Apollon Solar that in Europe you cannot install a solar farm unless you do these types of calculations. Right now these types calculations are in manuals, where did I buy the solar cells, whats the process, and you have to come up with a massive amount of documentation to say, on this solar farm I made this (carbon footprint) and here is the binder to prove it. I'm eliminating the binder and making it digital and it will follow the buyers (with a decentralized, blockchain solution)...

Given the choice, the end buyer will prefer trace-ability over guess-ability ”


“I'm not looking at a higher selling price, I'm just looking to drive more demand for my product. I can get regular market price, the advantage we have is everything tells us that we will be the low cost producer if we succeed with where we are. If we are the low cost and the green producer, then we are sort of in the leadership position and that's what we are aiming for...

We partner up with leaders and they have their specific field of expertise.”


“I get a strong feeling that millennia want to install on their house's, have their own system for generating their own electricity and for them to fundamentally have an app to tell them how much better they are doing better for the world is going to make them happy.”


“Everything we've done is designed to reduce the risk of when we start up the Gen 3 Pilot plant, we will know what to expect with the machine. So there's a lot of tests which are basically parameter testing, pushing the boundaries moving forward. Those are not really things to announce, the end report is going to be exciting to announce because we have produced some things and I know other things are moving forward and I know those results, but until I have a report card I have nothing really to say. So there is absolutely nothing in the testing that leaves us to believe that will not obtain our operational goal (Solar grade silicon). There's nothing in our testing that doesn't make us believe that we will not be able to produce easily on a daily basis 20kg of solar grade silicon metal (on Gen3), with the Gen 2 (test results).”




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