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Message: Re: The EBH2 partnership-I don't get it. Hope we're not getting conned, Bernard.

Hi A-G,

Please find my answer in RED…

Hi Bernard,

I have some questions – no disrespect intended and I'm sure you've done your DD, but I hope we’re not getting conned. 

Funny I was asked the same type of questions when I started working with PYR in 2015 and paid $1M for the IP…

The first question that comes to mind is Why HPQ? – with a product so revolutionary (probably just a few steps behind interstellar planetary travel) why are the likes of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or any of the Silicon Valley VCs not beating a path to EBH2’s door? They should be all over this like flies on honey. Why HPQ? (We have to be realistic folks, HPQ might have a fabtastic future, but currently it is just small fry. I know you mentioned 'contacts' in the interview Bernard, but if I was EBH2 and the product was truly game changing I'd be courting the big players and the big money.

We got the deal because of my charming personality (Sarcasm) and because I had a first-mover advantage.  Please note that the EBH2 opportunity was offered to me, I had the option of bringing it to any company I wanted.  My first choice was HPQ of course because, in addition to being its CEO, I am a large shareowner.  I negotiated a risk-free option to validate the technology, presented the transaction to the board, and they agreed with my proposal.

EBH2 – The company is based in Switzerland, the demonstration was done in Argentina and it is partnering 50-50 with a Canadian company. The website is very amateurish and has very few details. Something about it doesn't feel right. There are no references to technical papers, studies or analyses on their website; it all seems very garage made.

 A lot of big techs companies started in garages, and many scams companies were done with slick presentations, nice websites, and big fancy offices… 

ROI on Acquisition Cost? – approx $7.5MM. What are the sales projections – how many 30000MT units of the QRR need to be sold in order to recoup this investment?

Well, I am happy that you believe that the technology works because if it does not the cost is zero…

Distribution? – HPQ doesn’t have a distribution network for the EBH2 consumer and industrial products. How does it propose to do so? 

I explained that in the video

Energy source for H2 production? – we cannot make something out of nothing. Electrolysis is the dissociation of H2O into H2 and O2. What is the energy source for this process. Is it Chemical or Electrical?

Just like I do not give out the secret sauce in our Purevap technologies for competitive and trade secret reasons, why should I do it for this?

Third party validation – can we see the terms of reference for the validation process? What are the parameters that will be analysed? What are the results that are being sought?

That the technology works as advertised, that was in the release…

No offense intended with these questions - just a curiosity that needs to be satisfied.

No offense taken, and I hope you are no offended by replies...



Bernard Tourillon





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