Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: Clean up on aisle 4

HPQ halted the stock mid-trading (traditionally reserved for the most important and well communicated announcements) and dropped an ambiguous news release followed by an equally vague video and post here, lacking any normal amount of clarity and information that would be needed by any normal investor in order to make a rational decision as to whether or not they should dump this stock or remortgage their home and buy every share they can get their hands on.  The technology may indeed be amazing “the biggest discovery in the history of man”, but HPQ's handling of this has been quite the opposite.  This was irresponsible, and HPQ decision makers are now the bigger question in my opinion.


If this technology is so revolutionary, so groundbreaking, with a $T potential to "change the world" and as such needs to be treated with the utmost care, secrecy, and security.... Why say anything? ... or at the very most, an after hours NR that only states actual facts:  "HPQ has signed a no risk MOU with a research group (and keep it nameless) to assess a new system of Green H2 generation. More details will follow after an independent analysis of the system"... then skip the smug follow-up video and leave it at that?


It is human nature to try to make sense of things... "fill the void" when presented with too little information, and when the facts are extremely thin (and extremely "spun" in this case), people unfortunately, but typically, develop irrational extreme polar views (and we have seen some doozies on this one).  Message boards fill with posts as people try to garner support for their factless postitions to justify excitement or placate fears.  20,000 shareholders all trying to make sense of this... all flying off in different directions.  Nice work.  You are not finished.  "Clean up on aisle 4"!



Tim in Vancouver


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